@original_elite i still like far cry 2 though...the only problem i had in that game was probably the guns keep jamming and stuff..a little too realistic but challenging..both games are awesome but this ones way better then second one hands down..a 10 for me...FC2 a 9 :-)
This Game Rocks...No matter how different it may seems it still rocks hard like Dante! Vergil looks cool in this game as cool dmc 3 that is..Dante looks as badass as he was in dmc 3 to me so im not surprised that they had the badass to a whole new level...to be precise the western style looks appealing but that doesnt taint the view of the Legendary DMC gameplay hack n Slash style...It looks cool and totally buying
@zhaffy @franzito I beg to differ totally More Puzzles and les action...I hope its prequel would be a big improvement then this one...RE Has always been about puzzles and less action anyway...But its next gen who cares about puzzle games these days right :/
Definitely 9.5 for me and definitely Is The best Tekken Game of all time...What surprise me most is the retroness is still there just like when i play Tekken Tag 1...This Game Rocks Period
QrGmNcShip016's comments