@xHallelujah Partially thts true but, graphics are on the market right now obviously...Wish they start creating something from square 1, not caring bout the grapics and stuff. And have easy gameplay and shiz...But totally agree lad
Im n xbox player so frankly i dont give a damn. But if you want equal Innovative Game like PS3's, Xbox360 and PS3 shouldnt be enemies but, they could work together to create a more innovative opportunities. But Thats Impossible Mates Right?? i mean im just throwing ideas... Fantastical ideas so Dont pay attention to what i was typin just Now, Just a gamers Intuition :)
I guess all movie games are like this, being balanced rated. Even if i havent play it but kevins Review saz it all. This Game Deserves an 8.5, Period :)
The way that they think about a new engine that has been already seen in most games that has more then just good graphics like BF 3, being only the beginning's just WOW with a Capital "W". But im still not convinced coz Consoles Now are more than capable of representing itself with the wits of being a next gen console as everybody expected. Making a game as "Real" as possible sometimes is the only goal to create an unwavering new diverse universe to play with. I just hope that the New Engines are very sure of them selves that they can create whats Really in store for the future of gaming.. I'm just not Gonna buy ANY console Than Xbox 360 coz It is pretty much the Best next gen console ive had in a long run. And im not gonna give it up to Some dominant console that has a Little bit of texture and reality in it. Better Tell it to The Gamers Then and now i presume.
@s4dn3s5 oh and step 8 is screw you, nobody cares, we just wanna play the game, no matter where its at console or PC. I would recommend step 6 if i were you :)
@UnaSolida its equivalent then the original, ive never played doom 3 but ive seen it in action and apparently holding a flashlight while Not holding a gun is Boges... it makes it more hard in confined areas thats darker and whacking enemies with it just not gonna cut it....Armor mounted flashlight is the best way in my opinion.
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