Even with Bungie leaving Microsoft still owns the rights to Halo. They can do what ever they want with it...even a Halo cart racer if they thought that would sell. Bungie has already said that they are currently working on another Halo project. So I think we can still expect great games for our 360s from Bungie. Everyone wins! Lets just hope that Halo cart racer never pops up.
I find the easiest way to get the 15000 points is on Heroic with a few skulls turned on. If you are playing with other people then you basically are all hurting each other's chances of getting the right amount of points.
A lot of good games on that list. I will probably end up renting most since it is going to be an exspensive holiday season for gaming. And with Halo 3 multiplayer having legs way into next year I don't know where I am going to get the time to spend with all these great looking games. I guess that's a good problem to have : )
5 days? I would have just gone to the Xbox Live website and looked it up my self by then. I'm pretty sure you have to have a HDD to get a gold Xbox Live account. In the end you will want a HDD any way since a memory card already is going to cost you about $50.
You can pick up the cloak equipment and use it just like in Halo 2. When playing co-op everyone needs to be on a leveled playing field. It wouldn't have been fun to have one person on your team running around cloaked while you got all the fire. Same reason the Arbitor doesn't start with the energy sword. It all comes down to making sure the game is balanced and fun for everyone.
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