I do agree that trash talking between companies can get lame. They should be focused on their own system and their own problems. However, your painting a picture with Sony being the poor little kid on the playground and Microsoft being the big bully that beats him up. Both companies have had words for each other. Sony has made plenty of comments about Microsoft and vise versa. These are huge companies that are both fighting over the same customers. It doesn't seem that crazy that they would take jabs at each other along the way. You should look at the whole picture before blaming Microsoft for being the only trash talker out there.
The magic and tech work perfect within the game. Everything has a balance to it. I have yet to see any one skill that over powers everything else. The game rewards teamwork since you have no re-spawns. The only way to come back in a game is if your teammate resurects you. On the flip side the other team can destroy your body so that you can't be brought back. It is balanced so that it takes some time to clear a body from play. It's not as easy as just hitting a button. If other people are in the area you won't want to spend anytime clearing a body or you will be next to die.
You have Humans, Elves, Dwarves, and Trolls. The humans are balanced and start with more money. The Elves are the fastest race but also the weakest. They also regenerate magic the fatestest. Dwarves have the largest pool of magic to draw from but they regain magic really slowly. However, they can steal magic from other players by standing next to them. The Trolls are the tanks of the game they can take the most damage. As they get hit their skin hardens which makes it harder to take them down. They have the smallest amount of magic to pull from.
They say that it is balanced between console and PC. We will just have to wait and see. I love the matchmaking that they have. You load up the game hit Play and it finds the best game for you. The party option doesn't work for the beta but for the release it will be like Halo 2 was. i really enjoy just hitting a button and the game doing all the work in finding a game to play. It makes searching through menus like in GRAW and Rainbow Six a complete drag.
I've been looking into it. I always look at the new wheels that get released with Grand Turismo but I never buy them. I just may have to shell out that hefty price tag for this one though. It sounds like it would really improve the experience of the game.
I have been playing the beta for about a week now and I absolutley love this game. The beta is limited to only two of the maps and it isn't using the final art or polish that the game will ship with. Regardless it is the game that I think about when I am at work and the only game I want to play when I get home. With 4 races and all the combinations of tech and magic there are a number of ways to play the game. Is anyone else enjoying the beta or not enjoying it?
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