Ah, I could namedozens of my favorites, but I'll just name a lesser-known one: Headhunter (a very underappreciated gameI might add!).
Quina919's forum posts
[QUOTE="Teppe2k"]What mission? Who are you working for? The CIA Jackal or the KGB Wolf?Laserwolf65
Latter-day Saints
LDS, huh? Me, too. This is something I'll be doingwithin a few years as well. I wish you well! :)
Also, noticed Ron Paul for president in your sig. No love for Mitt Romney?
Call of Duty 4 is more realistically detailed but I findthe Uncharted visual style to be more appealing. Technically speaking, I think the two games balence each other out.
"Surely you can't be serious."
"I am serious. And don't call me Shirley."
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