Well, I can't say I remember where, but I know I read earlier that Sony said that the firmware updates have nothing to do with the actual number. It's just a progression thing. Ahh, who knows?
Wow, an "Assassins Creed is the worst game ive ever played" thread right in front of a "Assassins Creed is game of the year" thread... I'm so confused! Is the game good or not?! :cry:
I too am glad that the PS3 is indeed strong, especially after all my years of having dealt with "Disk Read Error" messages on my PS1 and PS2's. I guess I was one of the unlucky ones last gen...
I personally haven't played it yet, but from what i've seen, I don't think it's that bad. The formula probably just feels old by today's standards. Try looking around a bit. The reviews aren't too negative.
Yeah, that's a good point... I've only played Wii Bowling a couple of times. I think they're about as much fun, but some people find HVB to be deeper and more realistic while others have found Wii Bowling to be a bitmore pick-up and play fun.
Well, I've only had it for a day, so its hard to really judge its lasting value, but it's great fun. It also features, in my opinion, the best use of sixaxis control in a PS3 game yet. I hope a demo is released so more people will try, but if you have access the US PSN store and got $10 to spare, please give it a chance. ;)
Did anyone that played Kane and Lynch also play Freedom Fighters? I'm just curious about the similarities cause some consider K&L to be a spiritual successor to that game. (I loved Freedom Fighters by the way)
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