whilst sony have been playing all their cards for next year, ms have been very busy this year.most of next years 360 games havent even been annonced yet.marklarmer
Big PS3 titles like Heavenly Sword and Warhawk have already been released, with high-scoring reviews and lots of consumer interest. And that's not even includingR&C, Uncharted, GT5 Prologue and the other 6-8 notable exclusives PS3 has coming out this year.
I'm sorry butI think people tend to over look the strengh of some of PS3's first party games. Ratchet & Clank for example is huge in Japan, Europe and America. It has a gained a good amount of appeal for both young and mature gamers (from play the PS2 versions). And when the casual consumers (PS2 owner /interested in platformers or looking for something new) sees the game on store shelves, I think they'll say "hey, I remember that. The PS2 ones were awesome. I wonder what it will be like on PS3?"
And that's not all, with titles like Burnout Paradise, Uncharted, LittleBigPlanetready toshow off what the PS3 can do, there is no reason to suggest that this war has already been decided.
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