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RE-fanatic Blog

Catch Up Day

Today is catch up day for me, and I will be spending my time catching up on everyone's blogs. Sorry for not commenting lately, I've been quite busy. Don't worry I'll comment on each and every blog you guys and gals made within the past 2 weeks.:D


Joined Tokyopop and Resident Evil RPG: Resurrection Yesterday

Yesterday I was really bored and had nothing to do, so I decided to go join some sites of interest. I finally joined tokyopop, and is hoping to get my wrtiting noticed on there. I also joined RE RPG: Resurrection to see what's that all about. So yeah that was pretty much a typical day for me.:roll:


Is this Gamespot or Datespot?!

Yeah I'm back from a 2 day break since I was so sick, so I stayed in bed, then I came back only to find a message in my inbox from this user I never even heard of, saying that they checked my profile out and maybe thought this was a dating site:lol: They told me to check out their pics on this date site. How lame is that! How the hell can you not tell the difference between a game site and a date site:lol: I tried to report a spammer, but it seems to not work.


10 Things About Me Blog

As many of you can see I'm a very mysterious person on here. No one really knows me, so I decided to make a 10 things about me blog so you all can get to know me better(also, I'm very very bored).:P

1. My name is Beverly

2.I live in Pittsburgh PA, USA

3.I have 3 older brothers

4.Parents are divorced, but my dad still comes around

5.I love video games, have been playing them since I was a kid.

6.I love animes. If it wasn't for my older brother I would've never love animes today

7.I'm a blue fanatic. I'm just a sucker for blue. It symbolizes a calm, collective, and cool personality

8.I dislike people who humiliate others for their own selfish gain

9.I love rock! My favorite bands are, Linkin Park, Fall Out Boy, Nirvana, Adema, Stabbing Westward, Seven Dust, Three Days Grace, Limp Bizkit(yeah I like them when they first came out), System of a Down, Puddle of Mudd, Filter, Live, Our Lady Peace, Alter Bridge, Good Charlotte, Papa Roach, Disturbed, Flyleaf, Evanescence(and many more).

10.The last thing about me is....I'm an RE-fanatic! I will always love the RE series, until the end of time, or when the series come to a close.:roll:


Not Feeling Well

Today is not my day, I'm basically sick, and as well frustrated. Two of my CDs cracked in half, and my irritation level is at an all-time high. My classes are very boring, and I can take about so much today, it feels like I'm about to explode. So, it's pretty much going to suck for me today.:?


Join the World of Horror Union

Love to write, read, and talk about the horror genre. Then look no further than the World of Horror union. We just opened up for business and need more recruits to start our events. If you have the time drop by and check it out, and join if you're interested.:)


All officers report to WOH union

I am happy to say that we are finally open for business, and would like all officers to report to the WOH union for offical meeting. I have yet to get a banner and avatar, but will take care of that this afternoon. Thank you and have a nice day:)


New Plan

Ok so here's the new plan. I couldn't wait for the invites anymore, so I destroyed the union and remade it, with some new officers. You'll know who you are if you get an invite. For the previous officers I had, I'm sorry for electing new officials, it was because half of you are not online at the moment, and once the union starts, I'll make the previous officers officers again. Sorry for the inconvenience.


World Of Horror Union is almost born

As you can see I had created a union today. It's called the World Of Horror Union. I was going to put Horror Writer's Union, but thought that this name sounded better. There were some messages that went out to some people to be charter members. You'll know if you get them. Anyway I wanted to get more people for charter members,but some of you guys are at your union limit, and is already a charter member of another union. I will still get some of you for charter members once your 30 day time frame is up, and you have less than 30 unions. Don't worry I will make a writer's section where you can post your work, and there will be contests, for your work. It will be about writing,but I don't you guys getting burned out from writing too much, so this union you can also relax in too. Talk about all horror games, books, anything. Hope you guys join and help make it the best it can be. I have to wait until the charter members accept my invite, then we'll get things started.


Union it is/Suspended

Hello guys I've read some your comments in the last blog, and I will happily create a horror writer's union. I will make it today. Also I just got a message from GS telling me that I was suspended for 1 day. I guess they saw the message I posted to that one guy who degraded RE and DMC. OK, so I got a little carried away, but I can't stand anyone who don't know about good games like RE. So for that, I swear that it won't happen again. I came this far to get banned now. :roll:
