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RE-fanatic Blog

Resident Evil Story

I have been thinking for the past months, and decided to make a resident evil story. I need to polish my writing skills first, and some time to figure what storyline I want it to be. I should post my story on my blog later on this year or early next year. I may also do a cross-over, of the series. Also, I would like to thank everyone who wished me a happy birthday, and in return, I will give 1 personal info about myself. Some of you know, others don't. RE-fanatic is a......female! Yeah I'm a girl, and that's the only freebee I'm giving out.:P

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RE-fanatic Turns 20

As you can see today is my birthday. I turn 20 today, and I feel the same. I guess it didn't hit me yet. Well anyway I'll be willing enough to let anyone get to know me better by asking questions. Just don't get too personal with the questions.

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Gamespot Needs more activites

To tell you all the truth, I'm getting bored on this site. No, I'm not leaving, it's just that GS needs more activity for the community. Geez, they should at least have something like an RPG(yeah I'm not a big fan), but it's better than nothing. There's nothing to do on here. Sure there are unions, but it's mostly all the same. I'm not bad-mouthing the unions, I just wish there was something to play on here, like online games. What are you're thoughts?

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Change of Opinion

Yesterday, I asked my mom on her opinion on violence in video games. Well we got into an argument, and she said that even though I wouldn't go out and cause violence in society, others would react differently. Now that I look at it, it's more focused on the younger generation. Young children today will seem to have more aggression, and lack of reality and perception. than the more mature gamers. It took me a lot of thought and research, but now I know that some video game violence can effect the behavior in young children. Though I will never agree on banning violent video games. I still think there should be more strict laws on selling M-rated games to minors.

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Speech on Video game violence

Yesterday, in psychology, everyone had to pick a topic for a persuasive speech. Well I chose violence in video games. I was asked if I was for it or against it. Well Im for it. I don't think video games promote violence. The only thing is that I need sites or articles that have proof that video games do not cause violent behavior. Can anyone help me out?

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KOF Identity Crisis?

I have played King of Fighters for awhile now, and just noticed something. Some of the characters have an identity crisis. You have guys that acts like they're girls, and girls that act like guys. I don't know it's just a thought.

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New changes

As you can see I'm going through some changes. Yeah I have to admit that my profile is a little too Leon themed. I'm RE-fanatic, not Leon-fanatic. So I decided to get different RE images. Though you haven't seen anything yet. I'll also do other games, animes, to show off my unique side. Again I give thanks to Ninja_Rebel for the blogheader that I requested and the sig that was on the house. Also, I will continue the RE tribute, with a ramdomly selected character.

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New Look

Yahoo! I'm so happy for my new look. A fresh new banner and avatar, that makes my profile even better. A lot people on here are getting new looks, so I decided to get one too. I owe this new look to my new friend, Ninja_Rebel. So Ninja_Rebel if you read this, thanks again for my look.


Tribute to Barry

Here's a tribute to a man who seemed like a traitor at first, but is a reliable person at heart. Barry may have sided along side Wesker at first, but only to protect his family. This S.T.A.R.S. member is as strong as Chris, but is more rational with his decisions. Whenever there's trouble or danger at foot, STARS comrades can always count on Barry to lend a helping hand. We will always remember Barry by his awesome .45 magnum, and that beard(who doesn't love that beard).

barryburtonb2.png Barry Burton image by newbishbynature

l_5876b8d8409b6278c558f4ea9cdf45c7.gif Barry Burton of Umbrella image by rebelguy2know Barry Burton of Umbrella

BarrysID.jpg Barry Burton image by horror_06

BarryBurtonResidentEvil1Remake.jpg Barry Burton R.E. 1 image by Ultimate_Shinigami_Chad

Tribute to Rebecca

This is a shout out to one of the brightest and youngest S.T.A.R.S:Bravo team member, Rebecca Chambers. At only 18 years old, this chick can show the older STARS members that she too can match up against the best of them. Sure she kinda sucks at the piano, but when it comes to medicine, this girl knows her stuff. (Thank goodness she was remade on RE0)

rebeccachambersb1.png Rebecca Chambers image by newbishbynature

Rebecca.jpg Rebecca Chambers image by RamboJr

Rebecca_Chambers.jpg Cute little Rebecca Chambers image by Pokejedservo