Marauders in DOOM Eternal are annoying only the first few times you face them. Then you start to understand their moveset and they become quite predictable and pretty easy to know when they are going to attack.
Same goes for the Nameless King in Dark Souls 3. He becomes quite predictable, and the majority of his attacks are easily dodged.
@gifford38: I think the author should have used something more along the lines of "overlooked" or "underappreciated." Which unfortunately, I would say the majority of these movies WERE a bit underappreciated. Most on this list would probably fall under "cult classics," which are usually underappreciated by the majority of the population, hence the terminology.
Gattaca is definitely a good one. I would agree with most of these. A few are "meh". But if I had to recommend just one, it would be Gattaca. Mars Attacks had a surprisingly big cast of big names.
Fun little side note, "Gattaca" is spelled out with all letters of nucleotides in DNA strands.
I forgot Danny Glover was in Predator 2, which was a strange movie, but he played his role very well. I am also surprised of the faces I recognize in the Faculty. I have not seen that movie in so long.
I was sad when they announced Dark Souls 3 would be the last in the series. Then Elden Ring came along, and with it, massive success thus far. This gives me hope for another trilogy, so I can keep my Souls-like cravings satiated from time to time.
My main complaint would be that the game has definitely made it easier to co-op with friends, but it also doesn't really incentivize co-op play as much. Runes gained from being in anothers game seems to be drastically reduced to that of the Souls games. Don't get me wrong, its definitely fun to co-op with friends and help people with bosses, but it feels much less rewarding in Elden Ring to help other players.
BUT, all things considered, the game is marvelous, the moment you open those doors and see the vast world in front of you and wonder which way will I go first? It reminded me of the days when Fallout 3 first came out, the first of the IP being FPS/TPS, and walking out of that Vault door for the first time and seeing a vast land to explore. Just fantastic.
But do we know exactly WHEN she received the light? If she had the light this whole time, then she was still scheming and manipulating and murdering and devouring even with the light. That makes her bad.
If she received the light AFTER we exorcised the worm from her, she still chose to continue with manipulation and deceit and murder, killing humans and guardians and stealing their light for something on her own terms, as far as we know. That still makes her bad.
Unless the traveler told her to kill human guardians for some reason. Then that either makes US bad, or HER and the TRAVELER bad.
Although I assume most of this has to do with the Darkness playing some plot twist in the mix, whether it has corrupted the Traveler to usher it to make bad decisions like giving Hive the light, or if the Traveler is pissed that Guardians are using the Darkness now, and is possibly regretting giving us the light, and moved onto the Hive, much like it did with the Eliksni when it abandoned them for humanity.
The game IS great. The core of the game is great. The idea, the mechanics, the fighting, the music, the bosses, the exploration, etc.
But we are in 2022, and the game is capped at 60FPS AND still managed to dip in performance randomly throughout the game. People with $5000+ PC's are getting dips down to 30FPS at times for no reason.
So the GAME for the sake of GAMEPLAY and STORY is 10/10. But on the technical side, it runs like a 6/10.
Definitely not complaining, as I LOVE the Souls games, but I was expecting this game to be a tad bit different than all the Souls-Borne games. But gameplay has shown me that it is extremely similar, with minor tweaks, mostly with how the world is laid out, and the cosmetic changes to how things look, like "messages" and "bonfires." At this point, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if at some point in the game you figure out it is in the same world as the Souls games, just in a vastly different time era.
Again, not complaining, but surprised how similar it looks to end up being to the Souls-Borne games. Even one of the bosses he showed briefly in the video looked and acted dangerously similar to the "Sword-Dancer" boss in DS3.
I just really hope the world has a ton to explore, and that the dungeons are truly fun, in depth, and each offer their own unique environments, enemies, challenges, and loot worth delving for.
Even if it comes out identical to a Souls game, thats fine with me. I always have way too much fun in those games!
I am a bit conflicted by this. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love the original RE games, and the way they remade 2 was great. RE3 remake was great too, minus how short it was.
But I loved RE4 for what it was, and wanted the remake to be as close to the original as possible, while adding some new exciting things to it, like how they remade RE2 by changing just enough to make it fresh, but still very close to the original.
To try and redo Re4 as a survival horror/dark theme, you would change a very large portion of what made the original RE4, well, original. I am all for adding more scares and horror and giving side characters more screen time and character development, and giving the game an overall scarier vibe. Just don't completely alter the game by trying to do so. At that point you might as well just label it as a new game.
I do agree though, if you want to keep with the scary horror RE games, you NEED to give Code Veronica some love and remake that.
RELeon's comments