@mogan: I think maybe our Guardian isn't effected as much since we already kind of went through this crap with Eris and helping her, so we understand how it works. Plus it seems like the Darkness has taken a liking to us, so maybe it isn't bothering us.
It also seems like most of these people are being haunted by events long past, like really long past. Regrets they have been harboring for, in some cases, centuries. We don't know jack about our Guardians past, so I guess they have nothing to regret. Unless they feel regret for the 100,000's of enemies they have killed, but lets face it, we don't. We just kill them and WE LIKE IT, YEAH!
And who knows. Maybe down the line our Guardian will end up having a mental break. Could be setting up the story for that. Never know. Bungie has been kinda random as hell with their story themes per season lately.
Looks interesting. Very much looking like a sort of spiritual successor to Anthem. Not sure how I feel about the forced PvP concept though. I think I would much rather just team up with friends and play campaigns fighting against dino's, or having an open world to explore and fight.
Constantly being in matches where you are racing another team takes away from the chill "hey lets just hang out and shoot some dino's and relax tonight" kind of vibe.
Getting a Borderlands vibe, but also a L4D one as well, with a little Dishonored in the mix. All comes down to how the game is laid out, whether it be campaign missions like L4D, or more open like a Borderlands game. Either way, its got classes, its got loot, its got weapon mods, its got what looks to be strategy, or full blown guns a blazin'.
So its gonna have the same nasty, gruesome, utterly chilling and gory death animations too? Just like Dead Space. Man I am getting stoked for this game!
This is like Dead Space meets Condemned: Criminal Origins.
Looks sorta cool, but also looks like its gonna be a little too much over the top. I kinda feel like I am looking more at a Ash Williams Vs Evil Dead than I am looking at a Resident Evil show. Like, over the top, lots of gore, lots of craziness, maybe some humor, etc.
Resident Evil is about desperation and survival, whether against one lowly zombie cornering you in a small room, or a hoard of dogs chasing you down the street, or an unstoppable Tyrant trying to rip you in half. It isn't meant to be a gore-fest, which unfortunately has kinda been the theme lately.
Nonetheless, I will watch it and give it a shot. Can't hurt to give it a try. Even if it fails as a Resident Evil show, it might still end up being an enjoyable monster apocalypse show.
RELeon's comments