Looks fairly interesting. It does give off that old Silent Hill vibe(fairly obvious with the environment), with some Eternal Darkness mixed in there(some of the environmental stuff, along with some of the creepy imagery reminded me of it), and a little Evil Within(due to the 3rd person sneaking stuff). I could see myself playing this if the reviews turn out to be positive.
This is a good lesson in how overhyping games can set ridiculous expectations that cannot be met. This game was hyped for 8+ years, to where even a perfect, flawless launch would have been met with heavy scrutiny. Had this been some no-name indie launch, people would have thought it was an amazing hidden gem of a game. But after 8+ years of excitement and hype, it just put it under a microscope, and every flaw was dissected and scrutinized about 10 fold.
Don't get me wrong, I do not condone all these dev's and publishers and who keep releasing unfinished games, and then just having the mentality of "Oh we will patch it later." Investors and publishers are pushing dev's to pump out high quality games, but on limited resources and time. This mentality is causing me to be pretty skeptical about any game that I anticipate playing, assuming it will probably release with problems and/or no end game content to keep me hooked. However, I think when games get too much hype, it will never measure up to the reality of a released product, and hyping up a game too much tends to be a bit detrimental to its overall success.
No great excuse for how lousy the launch was on Cyberpunk. But I also don't think it was as terrible of a launch as people are making it out to be. Then again, I play on PC, so I don't know how much the Xbox One/PS4 gamers have suffered. I sure hope things get fixed soon for everyone, though.
I watched the trailer without even knowing what Back 4 Blood was, and was like "Ok so this basically looks like a L4D3." Then I go to research it, and sure enough, it is basically L4D3.
Not a bad thing, mind you. Improving upon the formula of L4D1 and L4D2 can only lead to an amazing game with tons of fun coop hours. I can't even count how many hours I put into L4D1 and 2, and it was all fun.
I look forward to seeing developments on this game!
Looks like the character in the trailer is Liara. So at least that gives me hope that it will be in the Milky Way galaxy again, rather than the Andromeda galaxy.
I mean, it IS a free market and people can charge what they want. Just like consumers can choose whether or not to pay for it.
HOWEVER, I wouldn't be surprised if the number of copies sold at launch would reduce the more the game goes over $70. And then number of copies sold would increase substantially as you lower the cost on sales and discounts in the future. In the end, you would probably still end up making roughly the same amount of money, but less people would be inclined to buy your product at launch, and opt to wait for a sale instead.
Seems like a fair score for just about any Early Access game. Enough people care about EA nowadays to warrant a review, but those reviews should be taken with a grain of salt, as most of the good games iron out some pretty significant changes between EA and release.
Given Larian's recent history, I have no doubt that BG3 could easily be a 9/10 or better in the end, given what I have played so far of the EA. However, EA reviews should only be used to determine whether you want to invest in EA or not. Not whether you should invest in the full release or not. The two can be quite similar, or quite different, depending on a case by case basis.
Not against EA reviews, but, I repeat, EA reviews should be taken with a grain of salt.
RELeon's comments