@lonesamurai00: Ubisoft is the same with they Steam/Uplay stuff. It sort of defeats the purpose of having it on Steam. Except for maybe just to help keep games organized in one playlist, rather than having to open a bunch of clients to see what you have. Otherwise, it is kind of pointless to put things on Steam that you still require other launchers for.
I hated Origin when it first came out, but after a while, it became a pretty decent launcher. Steam had major issues when it first released, too.
I have my squabbles with EA, like most gamers. I gave EA Access a go a while back to test it, and it was actually well worth the money for people who want to play some games that they don't really wanna spend $50+ on.
Nice. This was an enjoyable game. Hopefully they work on some QOL changes, and not just textures and graphics. The game was far from perfect, but it was still pretty fun.
@impact455: I mean, if you spec'd into assassinations and had the gear for it, just about everything died from an assassination, minus some mercenaries that were resistant to it. It was just their way of making it so you had to make choices about how you wanted to fight, whether it was stealth, range, or combative.
On the surface, the core concept of the game is good. And the core gameplay is relatively fun. But delve into the details, and it just had no direction, and no endgame worth playing. Like many open world, RPG style looters nowadays, they fell short on the endgame, which is ultimately the most important part of keeping a game alive, and keeping players entertained.
I DO believe Anthem is salvageable, but it would take enormous amounts of work and creativity to fix it. And even then, you may not have much of a playerbase that is willing to take another risk with it again.
I mean.....considering it has to launch through Uplay no matter where you buy it from, there seems to be no reason to buy it from Epic. Just buy it directly from Uplay.
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