Yeah, 4k looks glorious. But it started popping up in gaming long before hardware was able to reliably run it. It was, and still is, quite expensive, and most people didn't want to invest. Now that it is slowly becoming more mainstream, it will become more popular and prices will become more affordable. But I think it is still a few years out before it becomes the new standard like 1080p was for so many years, at least when it comes to gaming.
For now, 1440p is the perfect medium for getting great visuals combined with great performance.
Why an Overwatch 2? That seems strange. The game is only 3 years old, and that is the type of game that can easily just keep adding heros and maps and be dragged out for 10 years. Unless they plan major overhauls, a sequel seems pointless.
The first one was such a great game. Even the original was a pretty big game when you tried to explore and do all the quests, so 4x bigger seems like a lot of stuff to do. But it is shaping up to be awesome, so I am fine with that!
I think I preferred how GoW4 did Horde characters. Being able to play whatever character model I wanted, as whatever class I wanted, seemed more lenient.
RELeon's comments