@Keyrlis: yes i can think logically and i may have exagerated a bit but still, their lifestyle as a minority is blown out of proportion by the media and affecting movies and games straight people play mostly and except for the PC bitches most people dont want to see a gay sex scene or gay romance...
i just cant get into this game, one big reason is the awful performance and i play most new games maxed out... if they finally patch a directx12 mode like they promised there may be hope... but i rather play this solo, too many trolling kids around to enjoy this...
great another *** scene... i dont care much about that, it's just a game after all and it's content you dont have to use... i just hate that it has to be implemented in every media aspect nowadays like it was something normal and good... if it was normal there would be a lot more gays (close to the number of straight people to be considered normal), it's like 2 kids in kindergarden want to play catch and 20 other dont but they have to play because otherwise the 2 kids cry because they dont get their way... pc bs...
i stopped playing almost a year ago, dont really feel the drive to get into it again... but the changes sound good, especially dark zone, i hated that place...
the first movies was pretty good, the 2nd ok, then they f*cked the franchise and i was happy it ended... now they want to reboot... i doubt it will be much better... :(
i know, people say he is not obligated to finish his books, bla bla bla
but every time i see news about him its about some new projects, new plans, etc. and it is not even the last book in the series, he needs to finish another one... i think it's likely we will get winds of winter before 2020 but i see no chance for him to live long enough to finish his life's work... and he keeps pushing it back for some other shit nobody cares about as much, i dont care if he is lazy or scared that he will mess it up, this way he will be remembered as a writer who let down his fans because he didnt focus on what he started...
RO-nIn187's comments