I love reading these articles. It's always we can do things never seen before in a video game. Then I'm always like... Hey, I remember these used to be in games back in the 90's.... Like are we moving backwards?
About time Danny stopped bashing the PS vita. I've owned one since last christmas, and I have to say. I'll be honest I wasn't really caring for it but it was bundled for $200 at the time with blackops so I said screw it. I mean I save so much with it. But the mem cards are way too expensive. With my deal I actually saved enough that I could buy the 32 GB card and still save money on the cost of a Vita at normal. But other then that stupid bubble crap, I have to say it's a really amazing handheld. and the interface is so easy to use. other then the bubbles....
@chibi-acer @abcdefgabcdefgz I think donkey kong country returns and New super mario bros did a good job remaking the classics with 3d graphics. But honestly.... I feel like Nintendo is milking Mario too much. I mean I'm ok with a new 2d game and a new 3d game every few years, but I feel like between the 3ds, ds, Wii U, and Wii... there's just too many. I'd be happy with ports vs a different game for all4.
@ccgod @RPG_Fan_I_Am Depends on the objects in the room, and how far of vision you want to take it. But based on the videos it's pretty much just a 1 wall idea. so 2 max. if you ask me. and Again, thats for a nice projector. so you can buy cheap ones if you wanted.
I still have, prefer, and enjoy my original DS. I like that it's bigger for my hand comfort, I like that the speakers are louder, and I like that it's way way way more durable, then the DS lite......
As for this 2DS, I don't see why the fold in half feature was so hard to do to it. I mean looking at the button placement it just makes it look more awkward for a kid to use. But then again I'm not watching a kid in person play the thing, and reaching for the L and R buttons.
@RandyAU93 @TomMcShea " These levels are a noticeable misstep in a game bursting with great ideas. Rayman walks forward without any involvement from you for long stretches, and oftentimes waits stubbornly while you try to pull object in the exact place he desires. Vacillating between passive and fiddly is a poor way to inject diversity. Even when things run smoothly, controlling Murfy isn't engaging because progress requires neither puzzle solving nor dexterity on your part. There is some appeal in playing with a friend because anyone controlling Murfy can torment his or her friend. But, Legends stumbles in these stages, especially compared to the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions in which you control Murfy with a button tap while running as Rayman."
Call me crazy but McShea seems to identify in the review how he feels about the stages more then the touch screen itself.
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