"Tom Mc Shea explores how" .... Tom Mc Shea talks about Tom Mc Shea in the 3rd person.
Ok... Nostalgia didn't make me think LoZ:SS was good, I'm sorry but I think it was the amazing gameplay. See unlike most gamers I'm not bothered by flicking my wrist to play a game....
@Lawrencevanrijn @RPG_Fan_I_Am I thought it was 4. But I haven't really been up on Sony that much sinve I stopped working at bestbuy like 4 years ago lol.
@Lawrencevanrijn @RPG_Fan_I_Am yea I know the mark up on games, I worked at Best Buy. I'm just saying it's still less profit for Sony. They don't really make that much off individual game sales anyway.
@Lawrencevanrijn @RPG_Fan_I_Am yea over the years. The problem is not everyone is going to spend the money on new games like that, I probably buy 10-20 new games a year. Problem is I wait for them to be $20-$30. which is less profit for Sony.
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