@Kerry12424 I know, he had horrible tactics. Romans arn't a hit and run unit. they are a slow paced crush everything in front of them/ turtle type of unit. If you want to lore people into traps with hit and run you play as Gaul.
@Juvante @RPG_Fan_I_Am Thats the thing though, Thats like looking at an artist who just finished painting a painting the way he wants it, and saying "your doing it wrong"
@teknic1200 @RPG_Fan_I_Am I like it when the same person reviews something and one game he says, this is rubbish, and then in the 2nd game he's like I want the old system back. it was amazing.....
@Juvante " If they don't allow for steam workshop or modding, I'll never buy this steaming pile of garbage. Can't trust the devs to make good decisions. "
Those damn developers.... How dare they design games for us to play!! They can't be trusted.
Anyone else cal it Rome II: Total War? IDK why I say it backwards.....
I think the thing I've always like about the first game was roads. It would take you like 3-5 turns to reach the next city without roads, with roads it took 2-3... Its always the first thing you build in each town.
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