@tylerbrunson @jhpeter @northArrow When my system RROD'd I got no free games, No extra warranty, and it took them over 2 months to fix my xbox.....Edit: they did fix it for free, it was only like a 4 month old system. But still... I think it should have been better....
@sladakrobot @RPG_Fan_I_Am You're welcome, Though even after your edit, you're still incorrect lol. I'm just poking fun :p
@Deeznoobs Funny, the article I read talked about how introducing a new IP is a risky move this late in the console cycle....
Is a WWE game really worth front page news...... I mean the Warrior was a boss and all but I just can't see this being that important....
@thalazy pretty sure all the consoles can run it fine.... Mine runs games fine at least.... maybe just over heating? Fats did have that issue. Mine doesn't seem to get too hot though.
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