@b74kd3th 3ds has worse graphics, thus AAA 3ds titles cost less to make, are easier to program, and generally sell Companies can't even make games on the PS3 and 360.... what makes you think the Wii U will be any different.... or the PS4 and XBone for that matter...... and I'm not talking about big game companies either.
I feel like most of the people posting on here, saying how much they love and miss him.... don't even remember/know of the old Ryan and Jeff days.... I mean sorry to hear about this, and RIP. But I never loved they guy. He was good at his job and did it great. Much respect to the man.
first time ever noticing Jess's teeth.... can't stop staring..... sure she looks amazing but I never noticed the teeth till now.... her whole mouth moves with expression while her face and teeth remain completely still...
@noxbox1yesps4 Best buy keeps a limited supply. They usually have like 100 consoles ready for release day 1, plus the amount pre ordered. They also play favorites and usually buy more PS then any other console.
At first I was kinda like wow, this game sucks... Then I realized its F2P.... and that just makes me think this review is a little harsh.... Especially with that foundry thing. I mean isn't that the entire point of D&D? get a group of friends together and create a mission/quest on which you embark on... making it up as you go along.
I wonder what type of game it will be.... I wouldn't mind a crossing of two styles. deff needs some strategy.... but I mean theres pikiman, so maybe some shooting.. or rpg elements...? platformer? yea little bit of everything lol.
@RedDragonGecko It seems a little too nice for PS3 graphically, I mean with all the lighting effects etc. But theres no reason this couldn't be ps3 Footage other then that. Plus the installation requirement.....
RPG_Fan_I_Am's comments