I'm thinking the Wii U will get a price cut this christmas, and with the new games launching later this year and next year sales will increase. with sales increasing so will profits. Besides, atm technically the Wii U is in 1st place already. Not that I really care. I'll buy one and a PS4 before I buy an XB1. but I will admit, Patcher is right there. I'll own all 3 eventually.
Perfect? How can a game filled with nothing but convoluted translations, glitches beyond imagination, and everything great about the game was actually designed completely on accident.... I mean I like the game, I would buy a remake if it was made, But I have no need for a remake. In fact a remake might ruin the game for me as I know the correct story of the game, and to this day 90% of the people don't understand it cause they was like 8 when they played it.... And I feel like this might cause square to change the story so it would "make sense" when in fact they are altering it.
@Sporks_Calamity @JangoF-76 Australia was colonized by Britain... thus the British accent.
Personally I've always found the fact that while most native peoples used swords spears and arrows to fight, Australians used giant boomerangs. And my only thought is of them using them to hunt things. It just sounds so silly haha.
So I just realized there is a 36 things we'll never forget about the 360 vid already made. I have to say I'm sorry about my comment earlier, I thought it was going to be made still and not already out, but in my comment I said since this video had like 30 bashes on the PS3 and 6 praises, the 360 video would have 30 praises, and 6 bashes. Turns out I was wrong. The 360 video has 10 bashes and 26 praises. Just felt the need to apologize for my ignorance.
Seriously? I mean I was expecting some bashing, but I was also expecting some memories too. I mean to just basically post 30 bashes to the PS3... with 6 good things... somehow I feel like the 360 will be reversed with 30 praises and 6 bashes like its better or something. I own both consoles with great memories on both, and bad memories for both.......
Also my charging cable wasn't that short..... mine was like 5 feet long or something. and it can connect to any USB and charge the controller, so your not limited to just hooking it up to the PS3...... unless the controller dies... for some reason I could never get anything to charge it when its turned off....
@dude102 @RPG_Fan_I_Am Yea, but I'm just saying, I go to court beacuse someone threatens to kill me, and I defend myself, and I'm wrong, and I've had a kid even admitted once he said it..... and then I have to pay fines and the like, Meanwhile the other kid... well I suppose I should say adult..... anyway he gets off scott free.....
Which makes this seem like off that logic, This kids not doing anything wrong at all.
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