As an engineer this comment makes me feel like slapping you.... I'm a mech engineer and I could build a kinect for $20. It's not incredible in anyway..... Kinect 2 maybe. I'll have to see it, but the kinect itself isn't.
@udubdawgz @livewired500 I have the exact same issue with the PS3 and 360 controller. Due to gaming with the ps1 and duelshock controllers I've gotten used to using my pointer fingers for L1,L2 and middle for L2,R2. I hate the 360 controller, it's too large and my fingers can't each the triggers without pushing them in all the time. But the PS3 controller is way better then the 360. Though using the 360 for FPS never bothers me as they are all one finger trigger games. Its as you say fighters and armored core I can't play with the 360.
RPG_Fan_I_Am's comments