@kbaily I hated sonic at first, but I'm a speed/attack person and after playing him a few times I his movements became completely natural to me. Along with metaknight.
As an RPG fan gotta say Square had the best preview... problem With the track record idk if it's the best games... Then again EA and Ubisoft haven't impressed me in like 10 years..... Square still does with it's handheld RPG's. Nintendo always pleases me though. You forgot to mention new DK Jess....
Interesting... the 500 gb PS3 bundled with GT5 and infamous 2 is $299. The PS4 has 500 GB at 399, and with a PSN subscription comes with Drive club.....
I like how everyone was bashing this game like 3 days ago... and now there all like "omg its the greatest ff game ever"
To me I think it looks amaing. I don't mind the change in gameplay at ll. I mean if I want a turn base RPG, theres plenty to pick fro. If I want this style of game, its actually kind of rare. Which means that its still new ad fun. Want to know how to play a turn based RPG.... hold the X button... or Hold circle to run, and X in battle..... Not bashing turn based RPG's, I love them still to this day after playing them for like 15 years, but I welcome change too.
@eldoucho @Mayleene Luck? I've never had an issue where I needed luck to win a mario kart game. It's pure skill. The items are based on your location. 1st place gets bananas and shells while last place gets everything. middle people get shells and mushrooms mostly.
RPG_Fan_I_Am's comments