IDK why, and this is completely random but for some reason when I read the title and saw the pic on the front page I thought of sweating bullets by megadeath.
@Jamievrcade @RPG_Fan_I_Am @Unfallen_Satan ahh well, good to know.
As for the disorientation thing, I figured you meant motion sickness, I just meant I never experienced it when playing the game I played. But it was a little strange and I needed to adjust at first. But after 5 minutes it wasn't a big deal. But obviously you didn't mean it in the sense of losing track of where you are though. I mean your pretty much blind folded the moment you put it on lol.
@Jamievrcade @RPG_Fan_I_Am @Unfallen_Satan Whats the point then? Why would I want to stay in the same location while playing in Virtual Reality? That, at least to me, defeats the purpose entirely.
If I'm playing a true VR game, I want to be able to
1. look and the game looks.
2. aim, and the game aims. Or swing and the game swings. so on and so forth.
3. Walk around and explore the land at my own will.
So you got 1 and 2 down. Great. Thats really cool. But why wouldn't you want to have the ability to walk wherever you want? I mean I've played a VR game that let me do all 3 before. It was a tank game granted, in an arcade, But I was still able to do anything in there I wanted. And you moved the torrent by turning. and the made the tank drive by the use of hand controls. Not once did I get disoriented.
@Unfallen_Satan @RPG_Fan_I_Am Honestly, I never understood why they can't come up with the idea to just put a thumb stick, on the gun. I mean the Wii Zapper has the nunchuck controller and it's not really that uncomfortable to use. But for some reason this takes away from the exp. yet making the game on rails makes the game less constricting somehow?
I'm not much to complain about anything as far as feedbackula is concerned as usually I like the show, but calling the one guy out for being wrong when he complains about a review being biased is rather counter productive. A video game review should have as little bias as possible.
For example. If a Racing fan who hates FPS, reviews a game. Obviously his score would be low on any FPS.
So saying someone is wrong about a biased review isn't going to win you any argument. In fact, arguments should be held with as little bias as possible as well. But that's just me talking from the exp I've had with following an argumentative structure. It's your site, so your also allowed to do as you please.
RPG_Fan_I_Am's comments