Meh, CoD selling 100 million units seems kinda low. I mean there's a total of like 11 true console/PC games. not counting the handheld spinnoffs, that's like 9 million a game. granted sales were lower back when CoD was actually a good game. and higher now that it's being marketed....
Kind of like Madden and Fifa. Those numbers don't really surprise me considering they get released every year.
@experience_fade @RPG_Fan_I_Am @hover389 Clearly where? why because I'm not dissing Sony I have a Bias towards them? I'm using a Windows PC. I love windows. I must have a bias towards microsoft.....
And No they don't, but your report is showing sales of individual categories. I.E Devices, Music, Games, Mobile, etc. There's nothing wrong with grouping them together for a financial report. As I said I wouldn't expect Microsoft to not do the same thing.
@experience_fade @hover389 This looks like a generalized fiscal sales chart. Of course they are going to group sales of devices together. You think they are going to put out individual devices?
Sony makes Phones, MP3 players, Computers, Consoles, TV's, Blueray and DVD players. They aren't going to put all the individual sales numbers in a general fiscal sales report.
I wouldn't even expect Microsoft to do that for all its different hardware's.
@experience_fade @RPG_Fan_I_Am I buy used games, yes. my math is spot on my friend. use a calculator if you'd like. that doesn't invalidate my point by any means. Also since the games are old, buying them new is cheaper, as I pointed out.
But my point being is that when you invest a ton of money into something, most people have that feeling of loss, and they would rather just buy a new 360.
I don't care what I'm reaching. BTW. I have a valid point. Just because you can say Hey, my console broke. I'm going to sell my thousands of hours I spent on my games. and hundreds of dollars away and buy a PS3. doesn't mean other people will.
@experience_fade Lets see, $60 games at new cost. thats a $1800 investment. for 30 games
Then account that most are old and the likes, prolly like $20-30 new.
Gamestop buys games at 10% off new price, and 50% off used price. so thats roughly $9-$13.5 per game refunded....
Not to mention all the time you spent playing the games. IDK about you, but I have some RPG's with 120+ hours logged into them that honestly, I don't want to start over.
RPG_Fan_I_Am's comments