@BradBurns @RPG_Fan_I_Am I suppose, I just never really found it that interesting being as most of the cultures along the Mediterranean sea where pretty developed in that area. By your astonishment on the matter, It seemed like you wasn't considering that, so I just wanted to make sure you realized it was all.
But the Celts in my history books weren't considered barbaric idiots. They were usually just labeled as Nomads who wandered the lands in search of temporary homesteads.
Besides, The Romans, true Romans, Weren't that smart at all. They were brilliant on the tactical side yes. And developed massively funded armies. And, most importantly, governed themselves by a republican. But it wasn't till conquering Greece and receiving Greek writing techniques, forging and metal skills, and architecture. That they truly started to perspire.
@BradBurns I was but not in that sense. I meant a more analytical reason for my question. I mean a lot of cultures originated from different areas, but pending on how long they lived in an area, usually depended on the climates of the areas back then. So Hispanians cultivated and settled their lands long before the Britainians. So it's more logical that the Romans would consider the Britainians which didn't even have city's much less towns back then, more barbaric then the Hispanians who where.
@transformer1992 Honestly the biggest mistake Rome made when attempting to conquer Britainia was building Hadrian and Antonine walls. Cost way too much to maintain.
@GOGOHeadray @RPG_Fan_I_Am It is. atm at least. But I'm just saying with it selling so many units atm. It's kinda surprising it's not selling more with so many games out.
I mean BLOP1-2, and MW1-3, and WaW sold like 10 mill each. Thats like 60 mill right there, if not more. theres still 5 more games left, plus spin offs and handhelds. theres like another 8 or so of those. Thats like 13 games accounting for the rest of the 40 million sales.
@Rickystickyman I don't even like others opinions. Most of the time people tell me that's amazing, and I'm just like it's ok. I'm not really happy with it.
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