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RPG_Hacker Blog

Big Surprise! Ryuusei no Rockman: Pegasus - Japanese version!

This blog is a big surprise, even to my self. And if you haven't guess by the title already: I just bought Ryuusei no Rockman: Pegasus, the Japanese version online! If you are going to ask "why" this is a good question. Cause as most of you know I was not going to get it. I wanted to wait for RnR 2. Plus I can't speak Japanese. Well the point is: There was a special offer at Play Asia and I got the game for only 13 USD (9,37 Euro), shipping included. And how could I have said "No!" to such a great offer? You get the point? And that's why I'm getting the game now!

On another hand this means I have to get at least 30 Euros to my birthday to be able to preorder Super Mario Galaxy.

Thank you for playing! You completed EXE4!!

I did it! I've completed Megaman Battle Network 4: Blue Moon by 100%! This is the first Battle Network game I've ever completed by 100%!

After defeating Duo Omega...

...I got this picture as reward:

On there are all the 12 Soul Unison Net Navis (from Red Sun and Blue Moon) and MegaMan. Awesome!!! Isn't it?

Awesomeness update

OK. Let's start with a few awesome things from the last few days. First, as you all know, Sonic has been announced for Brawl. Yupee! Now the game became more interesting even for me. Well but that is not the main part of this blog. The main part is to announce, that I'm now


Gotcha, mav_destroyer! And you thought you'd reach level 21 before me! There also a few other cool things to announce. E.g. that for the first time in my life I got into Black Earth in Megaman Battle Network 4. That's not all, I only need to S-Rank 4 more navis before I can fight BassSP. Those navis are JunkMan, MetalMan, ProtoMan and ShadeMan. Any other good news? Well I don't think there is much, excepting for the facts that Phantom Houglass will release here in 8 days and Metroid Prime 3 in 15 days. And I have preorderd both of them. Oh yeah, not to forget that my birthday is in 17 days. And if I get at least 15 Euro I'll have enough money to preorder Super Mario Galaxy. OK. But that's it for today's blog.

My father said O.O...

YES!!!! HE JUST SAID YES AND THAT WAS ABOUT IT! NOT EVEN A SINGLE QUESTION! I JUST ASKED HE SAID YES!!! And you know what this means? I'LL BE GETTING METROID PRIME 3 XD XD XD XD XD XD XD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Metroid Prime, Tales of Innocence, Final Fantasy and much more...

Hey! So here is the "more interesting blog" I have talked about yesterday. First of let's start with Metroid Prime cause I have just beaten Metroid Prime 1 on expert mode with 100% items and 100% scans. And I got to say: DARKS SAMUS FTW!

I've also asked my father to get me Metroid Prime 3 for my birthday, which is on October 28th. But so far he wasn't pretty happy about that for some reasons. But I can't tell by 100% wheter he has agreed or not. Got to ask him a second time to find out. But I got to wait until Sunday to do this cause my parents both went to visit my aunt. Even if he doesn't agree, an alternative plan would be to get Super Mario Galaxy from him (I see no reason why he shouldn't agree with that) and buy Metroid Prime 3 myself. But this would be the worse option, cause then I had to get two Wii games in the same week. Also The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass releases here in only 14 more days. And I'll get it as soon as it does that as I have preordered it already.

And now to some trailers that I have kind of liked after I've seen them in the past few weeks. Let's start with Ryuusei no Rockman 2. It seems it has at least improved a little bit compared to Megaman Star Force 1. And I haven't gotten a new BN/SF game for a long time. So this is definitly a game I want to get. But I have decided not to wait until it releases over here, what will take about a whole year anyways. IF I'll even get the this, then I'll get the Japanese version. This may be a surprise for you, but I don't want to get another game that was destroyed through localization by Crapcom of America/Crapcom of Europe. And I'm sure I can find a walkthrough somewhere in the internet as soon as I have the game. BTW: If I'll get it, then I'll get "Berserk X Shinobi" version. I don't like that dinosaur from the other version.

Next is Tales of Innocence. My personal favourite DS game trailer at the time. As the name says it is another game from the famous "Tales of-" series. But this time it's on the NDS. And for a DS game it looks pretty, pretty good. I don't have much more information about the game. Everything I had was a Japanese trailer. But just watch it yourself. Here it is (oh, and the bgm in the trailer is kind of catchy, too, isn't it?):

I've found an actual gameplay trailer for Tales of Innocence at YouTube. If you're only interested in seeing the battles, then you should skip the first 5 minutes.

Last but not least is Final Fantasy 4 for the Nintendo DS. As most of you may know I'm not a big fan (or no fan at all) of the Final Fantasy series. But this game, like Final Fantasy 3, is definitly a DS game that is worth beeing mentioned in my blog. Every Final Fantasy fan out there should at least watch this awesome trailer. I bet you'll love it. Here it is:

I bet that's it for today's blog. Everything left would be that today was the last day of school and I now can enjoy two awesome weeks of fall vacations. And with all this great games about to come this will definitly be good vacations that I'm looking forward to. This is everything I got to say for now. It would be nice to leave a comment cause this blog entry took me really long to post. Have a nice weekend.

Da Nintendo DS is here!

I'm kind of bored. So here is a new blog. Look what an awesome thing *yawn* I've done at school:

And it's COMPLETELY done in MSWLogo. Bah! What a waste. It would have taken less then 1/4 the time in MSPaint.... Well after some fine tuning...

...and recoloring...

...this is what I got. I know. Boring, eh? At least I wasted about 30 seconds of your time.

Next blog will be much more interesting. I'll include some trailers I liked (Like Tales of Innocence), even if some of them aren't that new anymore. So last day of school tomorrow until vacations. It's really been time for this. I waited for vacations since school started. I guess that's all.... For now!

Preordered Phantom Hourglass

Well as the title says I preordered The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass yesterday and I can't wait to get.

That's not all, I also found an eBay shop where you can preorder Metroid Prime 3 for only 45 Euros wich is pretty cheap as the original price is 50 Euros. And the shop has over 130,000 rating points of which are 100 % positive. Whatever, my birthday is two days after the European release of Metroid Prime 3 and I want my father to get it for my birthday. I hope he will. Another good point is that it is exactly the day when I get 16, Metroid Prime 3 got a 16+ rating for Germany.

I can't wait. Oh yeah, and I'm about to complete Metroid Prime on expert mode and with 100 % scans. On normal mode it was pretty easy, but on expert mode the Omega Pirate took several tries (and my energy was critical when I had beaten him). Now comes Ridley which I believe will be the hardest boss in the whole game.

In Pokemon Diamond I yesterday got a Kyogre for a Charmander from a friend. That was a pretty good deal for me.

And I get vacations in only two more weeks.

That's it for the good news. I also have sad news: On this Friday at about 11:30 PM a good friend of mine lost his mother and one of his brothers in an car accident. I was pretty sad when I heard about that. My whole family was. And another one of his brothers is still in the hospital. I pray that he won't die. He just can't!

Well that's it for todays blog.

Fairy Tail

I'm in a union called The Strawhat Pirates Union (that is really worth checking out if you like One Piece). However. That union got me into a manga called "Fairy Tail". I really love it. It's not only exciting, but funny, too. You ask what I mean?

(Click images to view in full size)


I've only read two chapters so far and can't wait to read on. I even made a Fairy Tail icon and profile pic. And a good friend *points and anthraxomega* will make me a new sig that might eventually be Fairy Tail themed.

However. If you're interested in reading it now, here is the link: