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RPG_Hacker Blog

Vacation started

So finally even my vacation started. Now six weeks of releaxing. And I'll get Pokemon Diamond sometimes after the 27th of July.

Your favourite Pokemon?

What is your favourite Pokemon? Mine is Vigoroth! He is very strong and has useful techniques.

If you post you favourite Pokemon, please also post a link to a picture (with URL-tags). Easy to find at Google Pictures. This would help a lot since I don't know any Diamond/Pearl Pokemon and since German and English Pokemon names are completely different.

Your favourite place to play a handheld game


what's your favourite place to play handheld games? When I only had the normal versin of the GBA my favourite place was a certain couch next to a window. But after I got the NDS my favourite place became...


...the bed! Really! Lately I even played Yu-Gi-Oh! from 12 to 3 AM in bed. Well but that was only because I tried to beat a special challenge (win with Exodia in only 5 turns [2-3 turns of your own]). But even if I don't play Yu-Gi-Oh! I often play until 2 AM or later, even on school days. It's only because the DS' back light which mackes playing in bed much easier.

So... what's your favourite place?

Redone header

As told before I added a background to my header. I made 6 versions. Version 2 and 3 are crap. But the others are pretty good. Which one do you like best?

Contact and New Header

I made some new accounts for all my friends at GS:


YIM: rpghacker

ICQ: 354-382-300

So everyone who want to add me do so. If anyone has only AIM and wants to add me then I have no problem with making an AOL account, too.

And have you already paid attention to my new blog header? Hub Hikari! I may also add a background later.

You know what I really hate?

When people are about to loose in an online game and just disconnect or turn of their DS. I build a strong new deck in WC07 and wanted to test it online. It was pretty strong, I didn't even loose a single time. Then me, who had score 400, challenged another guy with score 2300. And again I was about to win. But that m****rf***er just disconnected and I didn't even got a single rank point. Otherwise I would have gotten more then 400 (1/5 of his score) points. Another guy did the same thing. Man, why can't people just play fair a single time?

A few reasons to celebrate


there are at least three reasons for me to celebrate:

1. Reached Level 20 today (Well I'm not really sure if I should celebrate or kill someone)

2. 3000th post a few days ago

3. Got promoted in the Game Development Union (thanks to just4yoshi)

And now let's party!

Game Development

Hi there,

I'm in this new union called "Game Development union". It's really interesting. The goal is to develop a really game that is entertaining people. Since I like that union very much I'd like to help it. But I'm not a Programmer, so everthing I can do right now is inviting people. And we really need every member. And with this blog I'm especially inviting all my friends who are actual Designer's/Programmers (kya-kun, mav_destroyer, EpsilonZX etc.). I'd be really happy to see you in the union. And if you don't want to join it would be nice if you'd at least check it out once:

Thanks for reading ;)

BTW: It was already decided to make an Arcade game. Now we are at deciding WHAT Arcade game to make. The favourites are Pong and Dodgeball (especially Dodgeball since it isn't the remake of another game).

Another GS gltich...

Currently I'm at my friends house and he has the Opera Web Browser. So I'm using it. And in the first post I made I already detected a glitch. After some lines GS just started ignoring spaces. Soalotofsentenceslookedlikethisone. I had to edit every post what really started to suck!