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RPG_Hacker Blog

TV Comedy

Well I joined that new union called "TV Comedy union" where I'm officer in. And as officer I have to invite new people you know. But I hate getting union ivitations myself. So I decided to make a new blog instead. Everyone who wants to join can do so (Link below). The union - as its name says - is about Comedy on TV, including The Simpsons, South Park, Family Guy and much more.

Check it out here:

We could need every new member. 

I'm sick

Yup, I'm sick. Since saturday already. I'm not a school today. Yesterday I was at school (I don't know why). It's pretty boring sitting at home and doing nothing. I need the toilet every 20 minutes. That sucks!

Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo

Wow. Today I read that Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo is going to start on German TV tomorrow. Well that's the good news. Now the bad news: It's on PayTV only! But I guess if it is on PayTV already then it won't take too long until it is on FreeTV.

Level 19

Yuppe! I'm finally Level 19! I'm so happy *yaaaaaaawn*...

Gitaroo Man. Sounds funny. And another funny thing is that I were on Level 16 and 18 for a few days only. Whatever, it's time to reach that hated Level 20!

STOP IT!!!!!!! (caps)

Please stop inviting me to your unions, guys! I won't accept any of your invitations! And it is really annoying to open the PM messenger every day only to delte one more f*cking invitation!

How the heck could I miss THAT?

OMG! My worke experience job made me totally forget that I'm already one year at GameSpot now! Yuppee! And it was a great year. Even if there was trouble somtimes. Well and yesterday I made a new friend. Not at GameSpot, in real world! He is really nice. And the coolest thing is that he has a DS that he'll borrow me so I can trade cards in my Yu-Gi-Oh! games!!!

Finally done...!

The two weeks of work are over now and I can come only more often again. I didn't post for the last three days. Sorry for that.

I have to say: At first I thought that job would be pretty boring. Well it was boring on the first day cause I had nothing to do. But the job itself is pretty OK. I feel a little tired from waking up so early. And my finger was hurt from that much typing :D . It's true, in the last week I was typing all the time. About 1000 x 9 cells in Excel. Maybe even more. But that wasn't to bad because when I was typing I had something to do and it wasn't boring. Whatever, school again! Now I have to write reports and such stuff.



I won my first online duel and got 87 rank points. One day later I lost a duel and lost all points again. DAMN IT :x !

It's pretty hard to find an opponent online. Somtimes you have to wait really long. And if you already ARE in a duel, you have to wait even longer since it is that slow. That makes it even worse when you loose! In online play Duel Evolution owns WC2007 a lot! But in Single Player WC owns since DE doesn't have a single player.

Sorry, I don't know the URL for America! But it has to be in the game's case. 


And the second game...

...came today! Yu-Gi-Oh! Nightmare Troubadour. I need a undamend second DS to trade cards. The only friend of mine who had a DS sold it to buy a PSP. That sucks! Whatever. I have three Blue-Eyes-White-Dragon in WC 2007 now. I bought the third card with the password machine (3000 DP!!!! In NT it costs only 1000!!!!).

EDIT: And not even twenty minutes after this post I got the Blue-Eyes-Ultimate-Dragon!!!! If this luck keeps going on I don't even need to trade cards! 

It's so awesome!

So I got Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship 2007 today. And i need to say: The game is really awesome! Especially if you see the higher ranked duellants and what stuff you get whe your level grows. Right now I only have an avatar that doesn't even look like me, but as soon as my level grows this will change. I already have A Blue-Eyes-White-Dragon. And with the original card and the password machine I'll get a second one really soon. And I'll soon have my loved Nightmare Troubadour deck. Oh, yeah: Since I played NT before controlling is a little dificult since it changed. But I'm sure I'm gonna learn that very quick (I already won my first duel against Kuriboh). I don't know what more to say since I only have the game since three hours and didn't play it very much. But from what I can say know I'd really suggest everyone to play the game!


UPDATE: Oh, what I forgot to say: The game is translated really bad! But that didn't surprise me! I heard that the Japanese version had a German translation already. Maybe they just kept it!