@LukeWesty Hey look everybody! I know this game is really well liked, but I want you to know that I don't like it at all! I think it's . . . boring! So there!
@MXVIII @PcGamer4Ever1 The clips at the beginning are unreal 3. If you put it in fullscreen you'll see that it says "does not resemble final quality." Much of the back half of the video is about how they'll use UE4 to be awesome.
@rprevidi5 @_yuriy_ Wait, so you'd suggest that we comment here and *not* laugh at the stupid things people say? Or did you comment to tell us to get out and stop commenting altogether? B/c that would be awesome.
@corne1ius No, it would be ironic if she were acting poorly. (Or if you were making a video on how not to be a jerk.) But speaking volume is not equal to acting ability. Just FYI.
@SavoyPrime The IllumiRoom, Muse and Rift could all be compatible with that to various degrees. Sadly, the Muse seems a long way from being anything but a gimmick, but maybe we could eventually use it to swap weapons or use medpacks without pressing any buttons. Awesome. And the IllumiRoom anf Rift could both improve immersion quite a bit. Imagine running around skyrim while snow falls in your living room or turning your head--*your* head--and seeing a dragon land behind you. Pretty cool.
But I agree; we need to stop trying to reinvent the inputs. The wii was cute for a time, but even nintendo's basically gone back to controllers.
@Darnasian @Psycold @Merseyak @digikilla If Darnasian wants to nitpick, he should know that spell check wouldn't catch a there/ they're confusion and that no amount of wasted classes would teach anyone the difference between the two--they're wasted after all.
At any rate, do you really have to pick on someone for confusing homophones? Seriously, there's more than enough literally illiterate people commenting here; go tell them how badly they suck at life.
@Trujills @ExtremePhobia: If I'm following you, you want to say basically: 1) yeah nintendo's A-games are sequels but, so what? Sequels can be awesome. and 2) Hey, don't blame the big N for not having third party support, third parties gotta support. So, the article's garbage.
But (1) misses the problem and (2) is basically wrong.
It's true: sequels can be good (Fallout 4 please gimme some Fallout 4). But there's a difference between having sequels and having *all* sequels. A console should offer new experiences. To my knowledge there's not one game that anyone's excited about for the wii U that's an original IP. That's just not the case with the Xbox 360 or the PS3--and right now developers are saving their new IPs for when the 720 and PS4 drop. Look at Sleeping Dogs, Kingdoms of Amalur, Dishonored and the Last of Us (drops in May). That's 4 new IPs that scored above 80 metacritic (assuming that the last of us does, as it almost certainly will) that came out at the tail end of a cycle for PS3. Toss in the great indie games that can be found on PSN and XBLA and there are plenty of new experiences out there for PS3 and Xbox 360 players. I haven't yet mentioned Deus Ex (which was a sequel to 12-year old game) and Far Cry 3 (a sequel to a game that many people didn't play). These offered new experiences even though they were sequels.
This last point highlights why the new experience problem is particularly bad for nintendo. Their games are decades old. These are games everyone's played. Sequels start being meh-able when they stop innovating *and* stop offering more of an experience that you didn't get enough of the first (second, third, etc.) time. The sequel to dishonored--even if it doesn't change much--is still going to be an anticipated game, because the first game didn't exhaust the experience (indeed, it was way to short).
As for third party games, does it really seem plausible that the problem is largely cowardice by third parties? Might it be warranted skepticism by third parties? Remember, the original Xbox was a wholly new system: if ever there was a time for "wait and see" it was here. Same with PS1. Same with the forthcoming steam box. Yet, both of the first two had plenty of third party support and the last one certainly will.
Also, nintendo had third party support three generations ago with the N64. They didn't have terrible support with the game cube. And they really lost it with the wii. What happened? It probably wasn't random nintendo skepticism by devs.
Nintendo does at least two things that prevent third party support. First, they market their game towards kids and families. I'm not saying it's a kiddie system, but it's understandable why it has that reputation. (On this score things like their recent ban on DL-ing 18+ games from the wii store during waking hours, doesn't help.) Second, their hardware is inferior. Games that press the 720 and PS4 for all they're worth won't make it to wii U. Even games that don't often will never come to wii U because developers don't like the limits or because the games are designed for PCs and scaled down for 720 and PS4. Companies might decide that scaling down one step further isn't worth it.
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