RabbidDawg's forum posts
Too long. The next Xbox is coming out in 09.Shomb22
Its funny how many popele actually believe that. Too bad its not going to happen. Next Xbox will be 2010 at the very least.
There definitely needs to be a sticky about this. RRoD is NOT Under control. My first year seen me go through 9 premium systems, all with the RROD or DVD drive failure, only once out of those 9 times did I recieve a new console, the other 8 were refurbs, thats what MS's great and fabulous repair/replacement plan for 60.00 gets you, a refurb that will just break lol. I eneded up canning the 360 and then I recieved the Elite as a gift and 8 months later its still going....hope it stays that way.
I love the 360 and honestly thats the problem. I wish it would quit releasing so many damn games I GOTTA have lol. It wouldnt be sop tough to let it go:P
I'm sorry but while I respect your opinion, all of those Wii games look like ass. I had a Wii at launch and got rid of it soon after cause 9 times out of ten the games play just as bead as they look. What the fad is with that machine I'll never understand, there is nothing fun about any Wii game. Galaxy getting game of the year is disgusting. Everything on the Wii is disgusting. It has last gen graphics, physics and everything about it is last gen.
Im sorry but the 360 and PS3's line up this year Kill the Wii. Hopefully this will be the year the fades away. Wii hardware sales are fab...but have you seen the software rate? Its horrendously bad. The Wii sells hardware, then all the senior citizens who bought it and casuls play it for a month and never touch it again leaving only hardcore's actually buying any of the games. The Wii has the hardware sales but the PS3 and 360 software attachment rate KILL the Wii by about 3 times. Nintendo can live on hardware sales alone. The Wii will end, and hopefully its soon because its nothing but bad for gaming, and people need to realize that.
"Halo 3 is the best game for the X-box 360".............Then you Obviously havent played anything else on the 360. The Graphics are outdated, the gameplay is too easy and very boring, its Halo 2.5. MS's flagship shooter falls short big time. Bungie was in a rush to get it out, so they could seperate themselves from MS. Now Gears, Oblivion, Mass Effect, Bioshock, Assasins Creed. Now those games are awesome. Look at Halo 3 graphics compared to even budget 360 titles, it barely stands up.
I'm sorry but the Halo hype machine has run its course, and buried it self in the process. It belongs on the Wii with the rest of the unimagineative, casual garbage. I'm sorry but Halo 3 is the worst game in the triliogy by far.
Your F'ing complaing about the dog.....why? If your evil the dogs evil if yiour nice the dogs nice. Its not like you have some harmless puppy following you around, it evolves with you, plus you can beat it, hurt etc. Who wouldnt appreciate that lol. Honestly the vids that show the dog with a broken leg trying to keep up with are classic lol......AND when exactly did lion head announce no marriage, same sex or other wise? Last I heard Molyneux was going all out on this, with marriage, kids the whole lot. I think Fable 2 is going to live up to expectations, but to dislike it because of the mutt....there are better reasons to dislike the game I'm sure.
I'm appealing to this conversation and with the thoughts and knowledge I have of the upcoming title, I can tell you all that I predict it to be a failure. Let me ordain myself and present that I am a fan of Fable: Lost Chapters and I can hold dubious pleasure in that I am wrong, however, there's one primary concept of Fable 2 that tears me away from it: the dog.
Fable 2 will not be similar to Oblivion. Fable will maintain the hack-n-slash 3rd-person gameplay as the original. That's been announced.
Unfortunately, Lionhead announced a dog companion for you and their main effort was to allow players to feel love for once in a game. This is annoying to me because no matter what you are stuck with the dog from the beginning. They did mention that the dog can be let go of but that's a guilt trip that shouldn't be necessary in a game such as Fable. Lionhead also took out various features from the new title like marrying women and such. This is also irritating. The game does hold promise of its expansion however. Fable 2's cities are bigger, there's less loading and the environments are much bigger. I've also heard that Lionhead answered the victim's cries of a short storyline and it's to be much more engrossing.
I have come to know fustration beyond any point with this RROD. I live in Denver Colorado and am wondering if there is any other gamers out there who would be intrested in a class action lawsuit. I only say this because my 360 broke the 17th. THey said it would take up to 2 weeks just to get a repair box. They know the system is defective and yet they have done the minimal to correct the problem. I am asking for MS to leave the fixit solution behind and to just issue CERTIFICATES that would allow EARL ADOPTERS OF THE SYSTEM to get a new one in a timely fashion as we pay for a YEAR OF LIVE AND CANT EVEN PLAY ON THAT WHILE OUR SYSTEMS ARE GETTING FIXED. So I believe we payed for the system with the idea it would have at least a five year life span. The defect rate is high enough that they should of recalled the system. Now they excpect us to not get our Money's worth on live whle the system is in for repairs. WE only need so many people to do this. so in layman's terms,
I am asking for certificates for early adopters of the system to replace their crappy one's with new one's we can feel more confident about. second is an extension on our live accounts for any period of time the system needed to be fixed. I am serious and hope there is enough poeple fed up out there who wants to do it.
Seriously I feel your pain man. After 9 premiums failing and a now freezing and glitching Elite all I know is Frustration from M$. Every one will say its user error blah blah blah, but the numbers keep rising for defective consoles. Funny how defective consoles are still being put out so long aftre launch yet its user error still LMAO. Sooner or later a lawsuit or the government it self will stop M$ its just a matter of when.
The people saying that Lawsuits would fail are idiots. This would be the perfect time to start a lawsuit. Its a known fact the 360 fails A LOT! Xbots cant handle that known FACT, honestly post this in sytem wars, and see what the responses are. Dont expect any respect from anyone inthe 360 forums, they bleed green, and Gates is there slave master. Honestly go with a PS3 or a Wii or both, the 360 is not worth the headache, dont get hooked on the 360's games like a lot of have and keep putting up with defects and finding it exceptable. Its not exceptable PERIOD.
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