[QUOTE="RabbidDawg"][QUOTE="Ipik_Fenris"] im considering getting one next year, maybe white col, maybe a price drop, more games out....
but it is selling not so good...will it flop ?? , it has the games...so whats going on ??
could the real selling problem be the retail price ??
Get it next year. As a former owner of the PS3 and a owner of the other console all the multiplatforms are better on the other console anyways. As for all these exclusives that are coming for the PS3 this year that peopel keep bringin up.....what are they and were are they? Other than LAIR, Heavenly Sword, and Drakes Fortune Im not sure what other exclusives are coming out for the PS3 this year anyway.
I guess a lot of it is taste to, I used to love the PS consoles games...not so much anymore. I was excited a while back for LAIR, but I think the motion sensing only controls will kill it, and the lack of rumble is really starting to bother me. The PS3 is a decen deal if you want a budget pc with decen multimedia and a blu-ray drive....but haven't the PS consoles always been a games first console?...Something the PS3 fails at...for this year anyway.
No matter what anybody else says....price is a big reason the PS3 isnt doing so hot $600.00 for a console that cant do more than the other console, just uses a bigger disc format wich remains un proven...Hmmmm....not the main reason but its a part of it. Apparently Sony has forgotten what GAMERS want. Just my opinion but Id wait for a year or so or for a price drop, unless Sony has a ton of games you want this year or next, or you are just a huge Sony loyalist....which I no longer am. Oh and I fully expect to get flamed and reported......its just the lack of not caring yet being truthful. Not trying to piss anyone off, or troll but everyone WILL take it the wrong way. I regret getting a PS3......such a waste at the moment, if you like to play games on your console anyway.
Dude, just a quick thing...not to flame or get an arguement started but you traded in a machine that will kick the daylights out of the other box, with everything that the PS3 has to offer? Wow....I'm not sure what to reply to that with.......A machine that is going to have an amazing line up of games in the next couple of months, blu-ray tech, free online and a machine that has a very little "blow up" rate for a machine that, Don't get me wrong, has some amazing games, but has a HUGE failure rate? (Three Rings of Death, anyone) Wow!
To the original poster. If I were you, yes wait. Christmas time is going to rock, but to have someone tell not to buy a ps3 just because there is the lack of games?? (Yes we do have that problem but that will be fixed in a short while).. Yeesh!
Just wait and see what comes down the pike, I think you'll have your socks knocked off!
I disagree. What does the PS3 have to offer? Every feature the PS3 has, multimedia wise...the 360 has plus more. The only thing that the 360 needs is card readers which for me is a waste anyway. Were are the custom soundtracks for the PS3? Wwere is ONE friends list that is unified were you can private chat through ANY game, not just the dashboard/XMB? Were are the custom backgrounds and themes? Home is just going to be an add on that makes the XMB obsolete....Sony should have made everything unified and it should have had tons more features from the begining but they did this to themselves...they touted to be superior from the start and they have not been. Free online doesant equal better...it doesnt beat LIVE, I know I have played both Sorry you fail.
There are yet to be ANY games that look better than 360 games yet. Oblivion being the only exception, had the 360 had the same dev time that would have turned out different to. I also love the psot about the PS3 having more diverse games...LOL...please when and were? This amazing line up you speak of is also on the 360 to, plus the 360 has more and better exclusives this year. Every one knows that the DLC and online will be better on the 360. I owned a PS3, I seen what it was capable of and right now that isnt much and honestly this wont change until tjhe end of 2008. Sony dropped the ball, and yes I will tell him he should wait because of no games....are you fanboys really that delusional?
What else would you have a GAMING CONSOLE FOR! To not play games....You really need to get over the whole blu-ray thing to lol. If Sny wont utilize it....why would you expect 3rd parties too? DVD is fine and blu-ray while great for movies....Is just not cutting it for games.
I respect evryones opinions in the PS3 boards, but really unless you hate MS or dont own a 360 yet....there is no reaon to have a PS3 other than for the future...which to me makes more sense to just wait for a prioce drop. Its been fun in here posting and stuff, but the trouble is, Sony fans are the worst. You cant take truth....This is all truth, right now the PS3 doesnt stack up, and that is Sony fault for over hyping...I got my money back for my $600.00 waste of space and will finally get to enjoy Games and not a shine blu-ray player. I can see the post's now...but...but...but teh Cell....teh blu-ray..please both unproven, still havnt seen anything that utilizes them....besides the memory bandwidth, drive speed, and custom GPU of the 360 kill the RSX and blu-ray drive....whatever, im glad you guys enjoy it, but its just such a waste right now and I would hate to see someone waste that kind of money on something that has nothing going for it.
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