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#1 Radiohead85
Member since 2003 • 3068 Posts

Yeah, I know it's not a new game, but it's still fun.


OK, so I'm stuck on the third mission where you learn how to fly. It's the part where you have to take off, circle the runway and make a landing. The only problem is, I can't get to the first target after take off. Every time I try to get high enough up, my engine stalls out because I'm pulling up too quickly.


Can anyone help? 

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#2 Radiohead85
Member since 2003 • 3068 Posts
I haven't reset my BIOS to default yet, I will probably try that
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#3 Radiohead85
Member since 2003 • 3068 Posts
OK, I'm just crossing my fingers hoping that somebody will be able to help me here. I'm pretty good with computers, but I simply cannot figure this out. Here's my story

I had Vista installed on my computer, but with all the incompatibilities it has I decided to go back to Windows XP. The thing is, the way I had to go to XP was through an upgrade version of the disk which made me put in my Windows 98 disk (which I still have). So, the XP installation is going along smoothly as far as I can tell. I return to my computer after XP is done loading the setup files and I see my PC's splash screen...I wait 5 minutes, still just the splash screen...10 minutes, you guessed it, still the splash screen. Nothing is happening. I restart the PC a few times, still nothing. I take the XP setup disk out...i'm still rolling snake eyes here, nothing is happening

So, I opened up my case and took out the power lead for my hard drive and started the system back up. The XP disk loads just fine and wants to go through the setup again, but I can't do much without a hard drive. After I exit the set-up, I restart the PC and reconnect the power lead to my hard drive, and I just get the splash screen forever. I have the boot order of my PC set to look at the CD-ROM first, so that's not the problem. Also, I'm writing this now only because I had a Linux Live-CD, and it works perfectly other than the tiny fact that I have no hard drive

I'm out of ideas. I think I need to format my hard drive, but I have no idea how I can do that if the system won't go past the splash screen if I have the hard drive connected. I need some major help, hopefully I'm just doing something stupid and this can be fixed all too simply...that's the outcome I want :) So, I need suggestions from you guys, anything you can throw at me.
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#4 Radiohead85
Member since 2003 • 3068 Posts
I just think that developers are still getting their feet wet, so they're probably not going to put out astonishing games right out of the gate, especially considering how differently the Wii works. Just wait, we'll see some good shooters come out for the Wii
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#5 Radiohead85
Member since 2003 • 3068 Posts
Wouldn't you say that's more of a fault of the PS2 and GC, and less of a fault of the Wii?
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#6 Radiohead85
Member since 2003 • 3068 Posts

The GameSpot review says "-you only get one save per storage device on the Xbox 360-".

If somebody else wants to start a new game on my Xbox 360, can they use a different profile and save a new game? Or is there only one save per storage device period?


ahh, good question. I'm guessing that it'll let you save once per profile, but I would like to know for sure
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#7 Radiohead85
Member since 2003 • 3068 Posts
yeah........ok, but those zombies don't need to start shopping at our malls! They can't even use the things they're buying!

I really wish that the government would stop all of this illegal zombie immigration.........if they're going to move here, they need to learn our language. I hate to go through my local Parkview mall and all I hear is "braaaaaaaaaains"......lazy zombies, they're destroying our economy and stealing our jobs
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#8 Radiohead85
Member since 2003 • 3068 Posts
I don't think they need to redesign it at all. I would say that the PSP is one of the best designed electronic devices ever, right up there with the iPod. The DS really needed a redesign. When you picked it up, you could just tell that there was a lot of extra room inside the plastic shell of the console. The PSP is packed very tightly into that little sexy package and it doesn't need to change one bit, other than giving it other colors (mmm, glossy red PSP)
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#9 Radiohead85
Member since 2003 • 3068 Posts
if they add podcast support for the PSP, I may just end my long affair with my iPod