[QUOTE="Zeviander"]Because I spent almost a decade of my life (it started in high school) searching for a religious answer to my existentialist question (the perennial "why?") that ended up showing me I already knew the answer, I was just being an idiot about it. This answer being... and children tend to understand this best: time doesn't exist (what matters is the moment, the "now"), what pleases me is the most important thing in the universe (whether that be physical, emotional or interpersonal) and life isn't worth living unless you are having fun. It's almost too f*cking simple... yet since fully embracing it, I have come into my "self" again, and am very happy with my life and am willing to put in the effort to change it for the better (where certain things cause stress or depression). I also spent a good four years (out of a total five) in university using my post-secondary education as a spring board for this futile quest. I wasted my time and my money on religious studies (and to a lesser extent Asian studies and Japanese language/culture) instead of pursuing something that I truly loved (astronomy and physics) or something that might have actually been useful for me professionally (engineering) that would give me an income to permit pursuing what I love in my free time (video games, cars, etc.). But don't take my word for it. Everyone comes to this conclusion eventually... just in their own way and own time. Unfortunately for some it ends up coming around way too late.sayyy-gaa
This sound like a real selfish way to live Z. What pleases you is the most important thing in all of the universe?
Whats wrong with wanting to live a lfie of personal fufillment? As long as your joy does not come at the expense of others I see no problem in living a life in pursuit of happiness then to spend it worried about whether or not your going to burn in hell for 'sinning.'
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