You can buy a such devices, that fit into the GBA port, which will read mp3 files and movie files from the cards. However it's a touchy subject on here as many use these devices to pirate software/DS games. I can't help you anymore as I don't own anything like this. You're best friend will be either eBay or Google.hey diped, the videos and music files that you are telling about , you can play them but only from the internet, like yahoo music, or radio stations and youtube? or there is a way to have these files like an ipod ?
is there other cards like sandisks that are compatible with the DS ? and can you use it for play music or videos ? how does it work ?
Raiko101's forum posts
I bet it didnt make sense for them to make a 1st person metroid but they did and they worked hard on it and it worked. If they just worked on the multiplayer instead of just throwing it togeather and adding it could work. Every game should have something more than just a multiplayer game unless that game is longer than 20 hours Mike885
The difference is they had to change the formula if they wanted to make it a 3D title. All the other major Nintendo franchises made a transition from 2D to 3D perfectly and they wanted the same for Metroid.
Again, yes, if they focus on multiplayer and single player, it could work. It might be great even. It still doesn't mean that Multiplayer belongs in a single player franchise.
Metroid has never been about a multiplayer experience. There is no point in adding mutliplayer here, just like there is no point in adding multiplayer in the zelda series. It doesnt fit, its not needed. It can be an extra, but its not needed.
Failed miserably, Four-swords adventures. O and no, it did not get the lowest score in the zelda series. It was even one of the best 2-d zelda games to have come out. And how well did it sell? You needed 4 people with GBA's and 1 GameCube to make the most out of it. Not the most practical game. Not to forget that 4 Swords was a dedicated multiplayer game. It wasn't going to effect the outcome of the single player experience as it was bundled with a port.As for the Metroid Prime series, a lacklusture effort at multiplayer in Echoes only effected the quality of the developed single player campaign. Though Metroid Prime Hunters was a far better effort, it was specifically based around the multiplayer content, and thus the single player experience suffered dramatically. You can see why some people just do not want multiplayer. In both the cases Metroid Prime has had multiplayer content, it has effected the single player quality for which the series is known for. There are plenty of other FPS titles out there which can offer multiplayer content, and comfortably pull it off better than Metroid anyway.
No, it is flawed. I have beaten all of the 150cc races and yes, it is flawed. When I am in a car with 8 speed and a LIGHT car is keeping up with speed then it is flawed. comstrikeiscoolThat's known as the 'rubber-band' effect. Most games use it to increase the action. Mario Kart is based around the weapons, and needs opponents to be consistently paced in order to have any effect. It's not really going to be the same game if some one is so far ahead that blue or red shells will do little to eat into the lead. This game could only be flawed if it were a racing simulation, and it's not. You've just got to learn how to play with weapons and strategy rather than expecting to win races on pace alone.
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