I thought it was pretty good. I really liked the control system. The boss battles were well done too I thought. My only complaints were that it was a tad too easy and a little too short. Hopefully something the sequel, Spirit Tracks can address.
The other Conduit Multiplaye thread quoted ASE football as being an original multiplayer mode. It's simply a Bag/Flag tag mode. Anyways, it all sounds pretty interesting actually. Good job with the comms too. The nearest 6 players keeps things from cluttering up, and counts for your entire team in the team game modes, so it works out nicely. The 8 maps isn't a problem. Assuming they vary with size.
New Super Mario Bros pulls it off quite well as it's quite cartoony in presentation. I think some of the enemies in Metroid are perhaps a little too detailed to be pulled off in 3D effectively, in a 2D style game. Either way, I wouldn't mind playing another Metroid game.
You know, I might throw in an apology here. I've been getting into a few pety arguements on here these past few days. I don't know why, maybe i'm just bored lol. I should really have ranted on like that in the first place so I was really just waiting to moan at some one and that's just silly.
I was put off San Andreas for too many reasons. I wasn't a fan of the story at all. I didn't care for anything or anyone and felt it wasn't really going anywhere after a while. I gave up on the missions once I had unlocked the 3rd Island. That was about the biggest reward I could get for even playing them. I hated this excerise and food thing. I don't want to have to eat to live or worry about my weight. That's real life stuff and I want to play a game. I also thought all the mini-games were awful. I thought playing pool would be fun, but nope lol. The arcade games being equally poor, if for reasons other than poor implementation. I thought the radio stations too were awful and more over-exagerated than previous attempts. As if they were trying too hard to be funny. I did however love the addition of the countryside and small towns. I thought that was done well. That and I liked the BMX, if only because double tapping jump as you landed on the ground enabled you to jump 20 feet into the air and land on small buildings. Something I turned into a game itself in which i'd try to climb as high as I could using only a bike. All in all, i'd put San Andreas just in front of GTA IV, but miles behind Vice City, Chinatown Wars and GTA III as my favourite in the series. I think the last two console GTA's forgot they were games and thus the fun was lost to an extent. Especially GTA IV, but that's another matter.
I'm not really much a fan of this bot business. I was hoping for another Excite Truck with some actual lifespan and online play, which this appears to do, but then I get some odd gimmick thrown in that wasn't really asked for in the first place. Oh well, i'll read a few reviews and watch a few videos before deciding on what to do...
I'll tell you all the biggest mistake the Sonic series has ever made. It was the fact they introduced more characters after tails. It kind of sealed the series fate and it has never recovered...
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