The 8600GTS may score more on 3DMark06 than the 7900GS, but that's due to the shader processors that it has.
The 7900GS outperforms the 8600GTS in almost every single real world benchmark.
The 7900GS is only outperformed in shader-intensive games like Oblivion.
Part 2.
For some reason I can't get the HTML to work for the second link.. -_-
Im not sure about the other games but I noticed in that anandtech review it says 33fps for r6vegas with a 8600gts, My 8600gt is overclock pretty high but i get around an average of 43fps in r6vegas 1024x768 with everthing turned on and on max.
43fps outside (worst), in a tunnel or smaller rooms it goes way up to almost 90fps sometimes.
Edit: sorry 43fps with vsync, closer to 50fps(lowest) but hovers between 50-70fps on Average without vsync still hitting 90fps in smaller areas, I just noticed vsync does some weird stuff with this game, I dont recomend it.
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