@quinten488 How so? GameSpot gave this game a good review, and it holds a very positive score on Metacritic. Sounds like a great risk-free way to try out a game that players may have missed due to bigger releases at the time.
@Xx_DemonSoul_xX @somatzu Except if you end your PlayStation Plus membership, you lose access to the "free" games. If you end your Xbox Live Gold membership, any games you downloaded for Games With Gold are still yours to play forever.
I have had friends who have used promos for Xbox Live long enough to get a GWG title they wanted. They let their membership lapse at the end, and still play the free games they got while they were Gold.
@Solace427 @RandyAU93 @Vodoo @zzamaro Games that are part of the "Instant Game Collection" are free to download and play as long as the player maintains a PlayStation Plus membership. If the membership lapses for any reason, the games are unplayable until the player reactivates the membership.
The offer is different, although fanboys can't resist saying how good Sony's "free" games are compared to Microsoft's free games. One is a rental service (and certainly not a bad one) while the other is a true giveaway.
@Vodoo @zzamaro And rememeber, that these games are yours only as long as you maintain that PlayStation Plus membership. Drop the membership, you lose access to the games. The Microsoft games are free to users who download them forever. While these are indeed good games for that service, it helps to understand the nature of the offer first.
@DARKSPACE @RandyAU93 Yep, all he's got left, folks ... the Fonz called and he wanted to tell you he's already jumped a shark, so there's no need to do it again.
@DARKSPACE @RandyAU93 As I stated before, it's not my position to argue them, as I am accepting the statement as presented without making a judgment as to their accuracy. You are not accepting it, therefore the burden of proof lies with you, not with me.
In a court of law, you would be the prosecutor and I would be the defense attorney. You must prove your case, while I can sit back and provide no information and still potentially win.
@Bangerman15 @RandyAU93 @modernrow Glad I could help.
And, for future reference, and since referencing the shorthand name of an old German political party can get posts deleted, it's "I couldn't care less". :)
@DARKSPACE @RandyAU93 Attempting to shift the burden of proof is a general sign of losing the discussion. Those who challenge the authenticity of the statement are the ones who must present the evidence to disprove it. Those who defend the status quo (the statement as presented, be it true or false) are not.
RandyAU93's comments