@DARKSPACE @RandyAU93 Hmmm, the question was in response to your statement that any attempt at Microsoft to produce apps or content not geared towards young males is worthy of derision. I guess your statement actually provided the answer ... in your view, yes it is bad for Microsoft to seek out new consumers. Otherwise, you wouldn't have made such a statement.
As to the frequency of statistics coming out of Redmond, I can't really argue with that ... but at the same time, GameSpot must find them notable enough to present stories about them, and you must find it noteworthy enough to comment on them.
@modernrow @RandyAU93 Thank you for proving my point on another thread, that is apparently is acceptable business behavior to seek out new consumers. Your personal observation aside, my personal observation may be a polar opposite to yours, and neither would make a difference in the long run since our data sets are nowhere near as extensive as Microsoft's.
@modernrow @RandyAU93 Considering that I have not played every single one of Xbox Live's 48 million players, nor have I documented statistics such as male to female ratio, coupled with ratio of players who play with and without headsets, I cannot make such a judgment. Neither, I would safely wager, can you.
To address your second point, Nintendo successfully realized that gamers were not exclusively young males, which resulted in the Wii being the best-selling console in the current generation.
@DARKSPACE @RandyAU93 Naaah, but you did dodge the question. I'll ask it again ... is Microsoft wrong for seeking out consumers who are not young males?
@DARKSPACE At the risk of adding fuel to the fire, there is an app on the Xbox 360 presented by L'Oreal, a cosmetics manufacturer. There is also a Sesame Street app and a Nat Geo app. So is Microsoft in the wrong for providing applications and entertainment for demographics other than young males?
@modernrow @RandyAU93 My gender identity and biological sex are not germane to this. The argument on the floor, as presented by you, is that the story must be incorrect. Therefore, the onus is on you to present your findings that back up your point. You may begin when you're ready ...
@Sideways8_4ever @RandyAU93 @Findy37564 But if the entire argument is based on a machine having functionality for activities other than playing games, which Sony fanboys think is a valid point of comparison, the very existence and architecture of Wii/Wii U all but blows that comparison out of the water, size of library notwithstanding. And as Nintendo has shown, quality is far better than quantity.
RandyAU93's comments