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Raven1983 Blog

I've come to you cause I need guidance to be true

Hey how are y'all? I"m good. Just sitting here with the preview guide on nwo till my show comes on and they have all these dogs dressed up in costume. it's kinda cute and weird. The weather here is being weird too, it's cold and rainy but yet the sun is still peeking out a littl bit.

I saw one lady walking around wearing an outfit that loooked like something my sister had worn for halloween when she was just an infant. It took so much for me not to laugh. I mean seriously, what adult would walk around wearing a bright orange hat with a jack-o-lantern face on it? Yeah it's cute on a child but eh to each their own I guess. Ya know I have rain so I don't really care, I'm happy and if others feel like walking around like that well, whatever.

Your secret fantasy

Your secret fantasy is to recieve a lap dance from someone in a gorrila costume.

:lol: wow, that's quite a fantasy

This is home, Now I'm finally back to where I belong

How are y'all? I'm good today. I just got back from the store with my mom and she bought me these really pretty hoop earrings with red beads hanging off 'em. I also got one person on my christmas shoppign list taken care of. Yeah I know it's still early but oh well. I keep saying I'm gonna get an early start one year.

Before we left for the store, we saw the most horrible thing. Some guy at the gas station across the street starts beating the kid in the back seat. We don't know if there was a reason or not but regardless that guy was an idiot for going berserk like he did. Well my mom called the police but we'll be surprised if they catch the jerk. Every one else that saw it even the other two passengers in the car didn't do anything about it though, just let it happen. I hope they catch the jerk anyway for the little girls safety.

How does your mood rate?

Your Mood is a 6

You're mood is so-so... but you're feeling more up than down.

I have no solution to the sound of this pollution in me

hey how is everyone? I"m not too bad. Doing a little better today. Just sitting here waiting for more movies to come on. Right now The Ring is on, then The Corpse Bride comes on. Both really good...but I think I like THe Corpse Bride more. I love Tim Burton movies.

What's everyone up to? nothing here....today is a delightfully cold day and quiet house with just the movie playing. Parents are away visiting my aunt from Florida. I"m not sure how long they'll be gone but at least I don't have to deal with any tv volume wars

Other then that, my knee is hurting bad and I'm freezing. but that's nothign new.

What famous work of art are you?

You Are Best Described By...

Impression, Sunrise
By Claude Monet

And you check labels more than the FCC and these calories are, are killing me.

Hey eveyone.

I"m not bad today I guess. Things possibly can't get worse. I lost another job and all because of one, ONE!!!! no call no show. which was an accident. So my brother takes me to work...well fifteen minutes later I'm calling my stepdad, who doesn't answer his phone. So I just took the opportunity to get some fresh air and walk home. Stopping along the way to see how much it'd cost to fix my car. (anywhere from $1,100 to $1,300, of course :roll: ) But yeah, I think that's quite a stupid petty thing to fire someone over, but at this point in the week with everything thta's happened, I'm beyond help and caring anymore. The weekend as much as the rest have been crappy, this one can't possibly be any better. At least I still have my unemployment. Thankfully no one's said anything to me when I got home and my mom said she'd bring home some of the best rice pudding in hopes of cheering me up, we'll see.

It's funny how food cheers people up. I mean I love rice pudding, so it should help. Food has helped me in the long run, specially chocolate and pop. never really thought about why, and don't think I will

one of my aunts from Florida is up here. The one from my stepdad's side, of course. She's not like the other ones who only care if you have money. She actually talks to us and likes to visit. She came in yesterday and we got to talk to her for a few minutes today. It was nice to see her again.

The rehab quiz

Your tickle fetish, following an embarrassing incident when Wal Mart security was called to the dressing rooms and found you and Tickle Me Elmo in a compromising position. :lol:

And everyone's looking around thinking I"m going crazy

How are y'all today? I could be better.

I just found out that I need a new transmission in my car. Sooo along with having to save money for new glasses, I gotta save for a new transmission or even a new car. As much as i'd love an up to date car, I'm gonna cry if I need a new one. I can't even afford a new transmission more then likely.

The nutritionist thing amazingly didn't go to bad. I was told what i already know, of course. But the dietician did like the band on the hoodie I had on. So then when we finished there, we started talking about Linkin Park. When I got home, my brother got us all the one thing I was just told to watch how much I eat. Cake.

How hyper are you?

You Are 25% Hyper

You aren't exactly hyper, but no one would accuse you of being lazy either.
You have enough drive to get everything done - with energy to spare.

You don't get overly worked up or rushed. You'll happily take your time.
And you definitely enjoy your down time. You can only be hyper for so long.

Unlike more hyper types, you don't have a ton of interests and friends.
You prefer concentrating on what matters to spreading yourself too thin.

Deep inside your soul there's a hole you don't wanna see.

hey y'all. How are ya? I'm good. freezing and all taht.

To add to what happened yesterday. I broke my glasses. All I did was clean 'em. Well I thought I was screwed, luckily I can navigate around my house blind and found where I had a pair of old glasses. They're about the same size as my black frames but these are wire round and gold and more then likely the cause of my headache I had earlier.

I get to go to a nutrition cla$$ today *unenthusiastic yay* I get to be told what I already knonw, WHat I can't eat and what I can. It's not the cl@ss so much but the fight I had to put up with the volunteers at the clinic to get it. I hate doctors...they're nothing but a load of BS.

We have another nickname for bandit. Picker face. We have lots of names actually. Picker face- He ran into a picker bush:P

Pokey: he sits in everyone's way and moves really slow getting out of the way.

Pudge/Pudgels- he's a pudgy doggy *giggle*

and for some reason, he likes to chase our Swiffer and vacuum and bark at it trying to bite it.

What day of the week are you?

You Are Wednesday

Like this day of the week, you are ruled by Mercury.
More than anything, you are unpredictable.

You are witty and wise - but you are also easily bored.
You tend to be flighty and careless. You are unreliable at times.

In some ways, it's perfect that you match up with hump day.
You are always coasting downhill - even when it seems like an uphill battle.

There's nothing like a trail of blood to find your way back home

Hey y'all. How are ya? I"m good. I made a great first impression today. I was supposed to work yesterday with today off:| Some how I got my days backwards and welll I made up today the hours I didn't work yesterday. The one manager tried to tell me that my services weren't needed today but it was too late Hehe. She didn't seem to happy anyway and didn't understand how I got days mixed up. oh well Sh!t happens. I just gotta be more careful:P

Anyway, today allI did was put away an order of fish. Wasn't bad..some of 'em were pretty.

I need to be at work longer I think. I've been getting nagged at and nagged at about everything....doctors, unemployment. Seriously not sure how much more I can take. Then I gotta listen to my brother whine about whatever he whines about when he gets home. Sorry if it's the same complaint. If I don't get this out I'll scream. I'm getting tired of everyone here making me feel stupider for mistakes, then the attitude i'm getting. I'mjust getting so sick of it, it's like I can't make the smallest mistake with out everyone acting like I did something I should go to jail for.

your vacation quiz

You should take a working vacation as a towel person at hedonistic resort. :lol: wow

Love and Marraige, Love and Marriage go together like a horse and carriage

Hey everyone. How are ya? I'm good:p sitting here watching Married With Children:P Love this show hehe. In fact the last episode played the song YMCA so many times the me and my sister started wondering how many people are in the Village People. I said four, my sister said seven. We were both wrong:P there's six apparently.

I can't find a calendar I'm looking for :/ I did find some funny ones though, like a Futurama and the POTC one. It's not the one I want though. Haven't been able to find it for two years now.

Your futuristic job

If you live to the year 2501 your job would be

An Intergalactic Bum

hmmm sounds like fun.

Eh I guess I'll go call taht stupid Endocronologist before I forget.

I feel like I'm spinning out of control Try to focus but everythings twisted

Hi=P What's up? nothing going on here. Just sitting here waiting for the water to boil so i can make some hot cocoa:P Yummy. Also watching the perfect end to an alright weekend. A Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie marathon...all three of 'em. Doesn't get any better then that. I love when the 13 nights of halloween comes on ABC Family. I can't wait for The Corpse Bride and Beetlejuice.

Still I can't wait till everyone goes back to work tomorrow 'cept for me of course:P I'm being nagged at to call this endocronologist and I'm so sick of hearing about him. He'll be just another doctor I annoy without trying....which I seem to be good at and Wednesday i get a nutritionist that I get to annoy. I don't even wanna go to the nutritionist. I'm only doing it cause the doc's nagging at me bout that. I'm getting it from both ends :/ *is gonna remain hidden till all this "doctor" crap is over*

What color is your psyche?

Your Psyche is Blue

You are deeply emotional and very connected to everything (and everyone) around you.
By simply understanding other people, you are able to help them heal and let go.
While you are a very deep and thoughtful person, you do have a very silly, superficial side.

When you are too blue: the weight of the world's problems hangs over you

When you don't have enough blue: you lack perspective and understanding

Now there's now place else I could be but here in your arms

How are y'all today? I'm good. Cold but eh nothing new.

Nothing happening today. Just sitting watching 20 Acts of Love Gone Wrong and trying to figure out what I'm gonna eat for lunch. But I'm in no hurry to find something healthy. No one is home to nag at me about eating something "substantial".

We'll have to see if anything amusing happens today. My stepdad doesn't work today so something should. He'll probably whine about how I don't do anything. oh well.

Your halloween horoscope

You tend to go for traditional, if not a bit historical, Halloween themes.
Candied apples, pumpkins, and warm cider make you excited each year.

Costume suggestions: An evil sorceress / sorcerer or a renaissance pirate / wench.

Signature Halloween candy: Candy corn

Scary movie you should celebrate Halloween with: Rosemary's Baby