Now bear with me as these are rough drafts. Please point out a few as I am sure there will be many grammatical errors if you find any thanks :)
Star Ocean The Last Hope is the fifth(or fourth depends on who you talk to) installment of the Star Ocean series. You follow the protaganist Edge Maverick and Reimi Sayongi through a tale into the stars. While the game looks, play and feels great, it does have some short comings.
Tri-Ace are the masters of battle systems for RPG but all that effort seems to get dropped when it comes to story telling. While their stories aren't horrid, the awkward dialouge, and movements of the characters make the story seem a lot worse than it is. While the story has a different way of being told, through a series of small segments on different planets, it ultimately never gets out of generic. It does keep you interested and is enough to keep you driving forward to find out whats next. Though at the conclusion of this tale you are left dry.
Some say an RPG is only as good as its cast. While the cast certainly isn't bad in their own right, its mainly the voice acting that will drive some insane. Wethers its the monotone Lym, or the overly stupid, high pitched, monotono Sarah; some characters go from silly to down right grating. IF you can handle a few characters with bad voices and bad dialouge you can find a few gems in this cast. Of course Edge and Reimi's characters steal the show. Reimi got the best dialouge and probably the best voice actor too. Her character really shines. Combined with some touching moments with Edge these two really steal the show. Though, some honorable mentions go to Meracle, Arumat, and Myuria. The cast has about a 50/50 split between serious dialouge and silly dialouge. Tri-Ace seems to be putting a lot more humour in their games. While it eases tension it can be distracting. They did a good job of developing each character and you can notice a distinct change in each one. They all stay in story so no one is left behind.
The battle system is the key point of the game. Its fluid, looks pretty and keeps you on your toes. The new mechanics of blind side and fury really change the game dynamic. Allow me to elaborate. The blind side mechanic, involves charging up your character and moving the stick before the enemy attacks, allow you to get behind the enemy and score in some crits. While fury after you taking enough damage or dealing enough you can engage fury, which increases speed, crit rate and you can't get knock over. The battles have four involved characters and stay as hectic as ever. Though the game suffers from a lack of concrete targeting system. It would vastly improve the combat if I could manually select who my character fights. Its just a minor problem. Every character can have a variety of skills assigned which makes for some cool combos and a lot of trial and error to see which ones work together the best to get max damage potienal.
The graphics are wonderul the character models are great Each character is wonderfully detailed. The enviroments can be rather big and its easy to get lost but they give a full map of each dungeon so its easy to keep track of where you are going. There is a lot of use of the bloom effect, it seemed really bright at first but now other games seem dull to me haha. Each map is very distguished and you don't see much repitition in the game. Making each city, cavern, seem new and exciting. Sakuraba has put together a wonderful soundtrack, with lots of fan service and you will hear both new and old. Fans of the old music will delight in some of the remixes and rejoice with some of the new works as he really has done a good job with this cd.
In the end Star Ocean: The Last Hope is a great RPG. Though, it is lacking in the story department it will keep you entertained through out the end of the game. Even more as the bonus dungeons keep it going. If Tri-Ace could get some better writers Star Ocean would have been at the top of the class for xbox RPGs. I still have it near the top, but its not as good as it could have been
Valkyria Chronicles
Valkyria Chronicles is a breath of fresh air in a stagnant genre, the question remains if it is enough to revive it? The story takes place in a fictional Europe, which seems to be around a WWII setting. You are a young student who traveling to the capital for refuge from the Empire who is invading the neutral country of Gallia. He is met by a girl named Alicia who is part of the Militia of their home town who suspects him of being a spy for the Empire. From there the story unfolds in a great drama, full of twists, sorrow, joy, and a bonds that cannot be broken.
The story is very deep. It seeks to ask to some serious questions about history. Who writes history, can we believe it. Is it merely the victor telling a tale that makes them look like heros while disgracing the enemy? The story will make you think. The story is very engaging and will be a driving force for this game as you try to see what will happen to Welkin and the his squad. As you uncover the secrets of the Valkyria, it is a tale for the ages. The story is going to revolve around a few characters in your squad, Welkin, Alicia, Welkins Sister, Rosie and Largo. Who are they? You'll find out. You will have 20 characters in your squad and about 50 to choose from. They aren't part of the story. Thats not the say they aren't developed as you play through journal entries will open up saying why they joined the war and who they are before. It makes you feel more attached to the characters. Other than having a 50 person cast you get a few very developed people and some that you just get to know as you use.
The art style in this game is fantastic, the shading looks like it was all done in pencil and the character designs are all realistic yet distinguished. You feel like they are a real squad. Playing the game just for the art wouldn't be a bad idea either. I loved watching the word "vroom" come out of my tanks engine as I drove around, it just gave you a good feeling. The hand drawn feel makes you feel like you are in a story book. The game is full of bright beautiful landscapes. A great change of pace from the usual dark colors. The art style is new and refreshing and some of the best around. While the music is enjoyable it could have been a bit more dramatic. For a war story it often seemed to cheery, though in its own right its still great. It has some wonderfully somber pieces like presented here
The music is dynamic
Story and art are just icing on the cake, the gameplay is the real kicker. There are 5 unit types, scout, storm, lancer, engineer and sniper. Each one has distinct characteristics. Scouts have the most movement and most vision, meaning they can spot hidden enemies better and find enemies at a distance. They have a weak 5 bullet rifle but it gets the job done. Storms have a limited movement, but more health defense, and a fully automatic rifle of 20 bullets. Lancers will be your anti tank units. Engineers can restore sand bags, disarm mines, and re arm your troops. Snipers are snipers. So the movement is free you aren't restricted by a grid. Hey if you want to shoot then move no problem you can do that. It really changes the dynamic of finding out where you need to be to get best attack positioning then where to go to be defensive. Of course you have to be careful, the enemy isn't going to stand around while you position they are going to fire back, you gotta move quick, stay out of sight and flank. The game has open ended maps which allow for endless stratdegies. Some other unique features of the game is the retreat mechanic. This sends one unit off the battle field to avoid death or you can use it and then resummon them at a forward base. Allows you to keep snipers in prime positioning.
Combat, at any moment you can hit r1 this will intiate aiming. Enemies will cease fire and you will be given an infinte time period to aim. there is a circle that shows bullet spread so you have to take account that. At the top of the screen it will say how many shots to kill. Head shots are critical damage so you always want to aim for this. But you have to take into account its a smaller target. Also sand bags negate headshots so it might be better to destory the sandbags with a grenade. You will always be thinking about the best possible route to dispatch enemies. Or you might try and find the best route to avoid enemies. Its up to you. Of course that point you have to think about bonuses. Some the girls fight better with men or get increased defense. Or some fight worse when they are alone. Some can get a reduce damage bonus when charging into fire. You have a lot to take into account so plan carefully.
The game doesn't operate off of a every unit gets to move once mechanic either. You are giving Action points. Usually 10 each round. Its up to you use these as you see fit. You can build a strat around 4 units as you can use as many action points as you want on a unit but there movement is reduced each time. Using multiple AP on a unit is great for getting to the weak points of tanks with your lancers. YOu can also call out orders like retreat, increase offense, increase defense, heal, artillery. If you have all your units in a position you like you and you have remaining AP no worries it will carry over ot the next round. Amazing. The gameplay will test your abilities as a commander, and you won't feel like luck is involved. The AI is decent, though it does have an occosional lapse. It wasn't anything I found to be abnormal.
Valkyria Chronicles in a revolution in TBS. Its the best in its genre. A piece that has brought so many changes from gameplay to art. This game shows creativity has not died, and that great stories have yet to be told. It captures your heart and you feel part of the squad and you mourn the death of a squad mate if they fall on the field. The music will move you, the characters will form a bond with you. The story will bring you tears. If this game can' t revive TBS then nothing will. This game must no be missed by fans the genre
Everything is on a 10 point scale!
Hope you guys enjoyed.
I am tired I am gonna write more on star ocean. But I had more time to write VAlkyria Chronicles.
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