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New avatar!

yeah, Riviera Avatar. Started playing it again as I just ordered the art books and got me thinking about the game again. What a wonderful game.

Recent and upcoming purchases

Well, it seems I haven't been so good with my money as of lately. I have bought some things I probably shouldn't have.

I bought Shadow of the Colossus, haven't started it yet but its in the que. It was a good price 10$ so I figured why not everyone said it was fantastic and I am up for an interesting adventure. So I figured why not, I wanted Valkyrie Profile 2 but that didn't have an instruction booklet. Thats a no go for me.

Next up

magna carta 2. Came with an art book so I figured why not . The art book is cool its rather small but I like the design of the characters. It been a great game so far, really enjoying rpgs as of lately even though the die hards always say how they suck. Most hated Infinite Undiscovery and Star Ocean, but love Tales of Vesperia and I just couldn't get into that. Anyways, its been good and worth the money. Though with school I probably shouldn't have gotten it. Its been good. (There are less boobs than the case implies)

Two art books for Riviera: The promised land. One of my favorite RPG's. I loved the character design and since I am learning how to draw mind as well get it. It will be about 40 dollars for both so eh. Mind as well go for it. Its the only time I have seen these posted.

And my final purchase will be the xd-9 . With california doing micro stamping the supposed price of guns will go up from what people have told me. I figured they have been steadily going up anyways, mind as well jump on this and get it while I can. So I researched and ended up liking this the most. I have held it but haven't shot it. It feels good. I am pretty excited.

Nursing school week 7 - Arcade stick complete!

Ok, well I have finished my 7th week of nursing school quite a feat don't you think? I do. Its been rough, a lot of work and a lot of studying. I enjoy it so I don't mind so much to be honest. Which always a good thing. The classes have been going at a very strong pace and they will continue that strong pace for the next two years. Which is also nice. I am making friends and all that. Got a nice little study group going. I have been going to the hospital for the past 3 weeks two days a week to take care of a patient. Its rough and I can't really do much but the nurses are letting me do stuff outside of what I am allowed and it is much appreciated because well, it makes it more fun for me. So keeping it basics, next week I hopefully should be able to remove some IV's and Foley caths. w00t w00t.

My arcade stick is complete!



If you go through the pictures at the start you can see some of the process of what went on to get it on. It was a lot fun and pretty relaxing as a little side project. The print came out dark but kinko's was the only place that could do a decent print around me. SO I had to go for it. It looks fantastic and I couldn't be more pleased with it tbh.

I preorderd magna carta II I am looking for to that when it comes out. on the 13th w00t w00t. Should be fun.

Template update

Ok I so I went this one


It looks fantastic, now that is printed out. I found a place online that has a good rep, and will do the cutting for the plexiglass. Also I can get it etched. Awesome. So I am gonna get the blazblue symbol etched into the top right hand corner in. It will just be 5x2 small but effective. It will look awesome. That will be ordered tonight. I guess two weeks I'll have the plexiglass come in. And after that I get to take apart my arcade stick. I am gonna have a friend work on it to cut the holes out of it, for the buttons and joystick. I'll buy him lunch for that. haha. I am really excited because it is going to look awesome. And I love doing art stuff liek this.

Fightstick template #2


Ok here is idea #2. I really like the way this one turned out. The Kaka Kittens look fantastic, and Taokaka, and her emblem mesh quite well with the dark blue background. It starts to fade in the bottom right corner. I donno if I am gonna alter that or keep it. I kind of like it. This one was a lot of work since the kittens didn't like the magic wand tool. having to manually cut them out was a lot. I am gonna do some finishing touches to it, but this is the pretty much complete project.

Nice little break

Well, I went up to Sonoma State to visit my old roommates friends and just to relax for a day. I figured I needed to get up there before we all got to engrossed in our school work. I know soon I am going to be overwhelmed and I won't be able to make another trip liek this. WHich is fine, so I did it early. Got my a shirt and a shot glass from the college. Go seawolves haha. My roommates were the same as always and it was a blast. Y gave the me the cold shoulder and went to watch I love you man instead seeing me. I gave her a weeks notice like she asked and she opted see that. The thing was it was a field a small field on a projector. So she could have stepped away for 5 minutes to say hello and chat. Eh.Chika was good and seeing the college made me miss it. One day I'll go back.

Well after what Y did my feeling are pretty much gone. Which gives me a sigh of relief. I found a girl who has peaked my interest in nursing school. Which is good. She has a good career ahead of her. Now I am in the gauging stage. Gauge who she. So we are in the same clinical group so thats good. BUt of couse I just had a dream about Kirsten and yeah that always leads to a day of quietness on my part. So I have been. Went to church and it was nice. So yeah, it is what is. I am trying to read to much into the dream except for the fact it just felt right. But eh, nothing I can do about it. Onward and upward.

School has been tirng, its a lot of work and I am staying ahead of where I need to be, and i am getting a strong grasp of how to think already. So with that, I just gotta hammer it in a bit more. Clinicals start in 2 weeks and I'll get my frist patient. Which of course is super exiciting for me. I realized 2 years isn't that long of a time. I mean two year I will be in my career. Working like everyone else. Then after a year after that I am going to go back to school for my bachelors degree. Time moves to quick I must say.

Nursing school has started, new rifle, and my arcade stick!

The 3 topics for todays entry. Yesterday was my first day of nursing school. LEt me tell you, it was nerve racking and as scary as I thought it was going to be. Things started off rather quickly as I already got two assignments and about 30 pages of reading on the first day it wasn't so bad. I have learned the bed bath process even though I need to get it down to perfection. So that was a busy first day. Everyone seemed nice but few people seemed to initate a coversation with me. Maybe its my body language, I am very stressed out with this and some external forces so I may not be presenting myself well I donno. I tried to intiate coversation with some and some took a liking to me and other didn't. THats good, so I can't complain to much. In due time I suppose.

Day 2 . Its a short day just a 3 hour day. We go over syllabuses and clinicals. Sick the entire time. Wasn't pleasant glad nothing to important was done. So yeah. Tomorrow we go over some more skills and start hitting the books some more. Wish me luck!

My dad got his old 30.06 . Went and fired it for the first time last week. Man it was something else. QUite a bit of kick but it was awesome none the less. Very fun to shoot. I'll post up a pick of it later.

Got my Tournament Edition Arcade stick in the mail the other day. Also exciting. A friend lent me his so I have experience with the stick making it even more awesome now that I have my own. Here is what it looks like


Quit work

Well, as school appoaches, I got out of work. By is it nice, I am glad to be out of there. best buy is a crap hole of never ending incompentance. So thats nice. No more stupid co workers that suck at there job. No more helping out the jerks in the pc sales. No more dealing with dumb customers and even worse managers. So wewt wewt. haha, with that its time to just enjoy my time before nursing. Getting up early has been a in the arse.

With that life has been pretty simple. I went on vacation down to Irvine. It was really nice to go down to see my brother. I got to just relax and forget about life for a bit. Though, seeing my brother with his wife was a bit depressing, but there was a lot of lovely asain ladies there. hahaha. Not that I did any macking at all. :P . It was fun though I got burnt pretty bad while fishing which I didn't catch anything so oh well. Thats life, but it was a lot of fun. Did some other things and got my brother really into blazblue. Speaking of whcih, blazblue has been nothing short of amazing. My friends all got it, so it has been super nice just to get a lobby full of friends and throw down. Of course I am now considering getting a Tournment Edition SF IV Stick. yeah, a bit expensive, but it will probably be totally worth it. So I am going to be ordering that soon. Probably tomorrow. So we shall see how that goes.

SPeaking of tomorrow, Y is coming to visit me. Hooray. OMG I am soo excited. I am very glad to see Y. She is such a good friend. I have gone up to visit her a few times and she knows how much I want someone to come and make me feel special for once. HAHA. With that, she is having a friend come along. I think its for damage control, so I don't hit on her the whole time. Which is fair, I can't fault her for that. :P . Though i stopped that a long time ago. I think she knows I like her but I donno. So I guess thats that.

Going on with that, I think I am going to start writing my story out. It will be confusing for all since it is coming up mid story, but I guess it iwll make for an interesting narrative to jump into the middle of the conflict. With my lovely cast, with game inspired characters, and some of my concotions, Though I need to get into my character descriptions and get a bit imaginative, they all have changed quite a bit, from the for time they were thought up. So we shall see if i ever post one up but I might start typing them out on word. I doubt I'll do anything it but it will be a good way to work on my writing and my vocabulary.

Ahh, sweet sweet vacation

Yep, its vacation time. With my two weeks turned in, last friday. I am now ready to just relax and be mediocore at my job until I am done. Oh yeah it is sweet. I am now in Irvine, visiting my brother. ANd its quite nice. Irvine is amazing to say teh least. Quite a asain ladies too always a plus in my book ^^ . But yeah its been fun and very relexing just to forget about nuring school, calm my nerves and get my having me fun again. Its a good escape.

I have realized I have heavy anxiety problems. I am always thinking, always always always about the what ifs in life and it drives me to depression and stress. Things have been rough as my friends mom got more bad news about her cancer. So its kind of bad. I am glad I am in the area though so what bricks hit the fan I can be around. I need to be around. Thats nice. Seeing my brother and his wife makes me miss my ex. yeah yeah, whatever. Don't judge me. We have done a lot of fun things that I think she would have liked also. BUt i am still looking and Y is coming out to visit me. Which is soo awesome. I am soo excited to see her, I feel so special since this will be the first person to come out and visit me. SHe doesn't know how much it means to me. I donno if its just going to be her. Or her and her friend melissa. Either way, it will be exciting.

Blazblue is amazing I love it so much. Keep an Eye out for a new banner with Bang and Tao. Though it might be a sig. Eh, I'll get around to when I get a new photoshop.

Oh yeah, I wrote my ex (Martha) a message on facebook. And she never responded. We lost contact like 2 years ago. I just wanted to know how she was doing. I guess I am a creeper or something. Oh well can't with them all right. Haha. Night