@ninja-legend Yes. Yes they could. Their loyalty have always been, and always will be, to GameStop and the american developers/publishers, not the consumer. It's no coincidence that once they entered the market, the American gaming press started to hammer on Japanese games more and more (not saying that Japanese games are generally as good as they used to be, just that this shouldn't be such a hot topic - a good game is a good game no matter where it's done).
For those who are thinking "this can't be true, it's just rumors!":
Almost everything that was said by "trusted sources" about the PS4 proved true in the end (blocking used games being the only exception so far).
Worst of all, EDGE magazine sources were right on the money on EVERYTHING they said about the PS4 before the announcement (EDGE did not reproduce the "blocking used games" rumor AFAIK) and the latest speculation on the next Xbox from that magazine said *exactly* the same thing as Kotaku is saying now.
As someone who bought virtually all consoles from current gen (3DS is the exception for now), I'm genuinely worried about this.
@Hey_Jay Careful. Almost everything that was said by "trusted sources" about the PS4 proved true in the end (blocking used games being the only exception so far).
And worst of all, EDGE magazine sources were right on the money on EVERYTHING they said about the PS4 (EDGE did not reproduce the "blocking used games" rumor AFAIK) and the latest speculation on the next Xbox from that magazine said *exactly* the same thing as Kotaku is saying now.
As someone who bought virtually all consoles from current gen (3DS is the exception for now), I'm genuinely worried about this.
@danielbirchal Nailed it, these are the worst these days. There was a time when none would compare to the Nintendo fanboys, but they don't buy a new expensive console with the smallest improvements every year, don't claim their system is "free" when it's basically a disguised form of DRM, and don't try to find excuses for a always-on requirement for a game that's way inferior to the previous one even after ten years of development.
@Legolas_Katarn Even going beyond that, it doesn't matter if EA or Blizzard *wanted* to **** it up or not. No one wants to lose control of his/her car and run over someone else, but if a person does that, he/she should answer for his/her actions anyway. Bringing this analogy to SimCity, it's like the person went out driving with only one hand, talking at the cell phone with the other, and went over the speed limit with a car that has not been inspected for quite some time and tried to do a sharp curve at the last minute. I'm not exaggerating: it's clear Maxis didn't have the manpower, the experience and the knowledge to make an always-connected, shared experience, asymmetric multiplayer-only game, and EA put salt on the wound by not allowing refunds.
@guacadoggie Pro Tip: don't waste time with anyone who uses the No True Scotsman fallacy.
Everyone that uses the "you're not a true [whatever]" is basically saying "I know I am an idiot and I recognize you aren't so I must segregate you to prevent me from feeling even more of an idiot".
@gamingnerd121 Yeah, I like his Alice games and feel they're under-appreciated, but they didn't sell well and his complaints about consoles come across as bitter thanks to that. But don't worry, this just means he'll say the same about his mobile games in a few years once they don't sell as much as Angry Birds or whatever and the "mobile revolution" doesn't come through as expected.
""Just because you've given a restaurant your business doesn't entitle you to throwing molten cheese fries in your waiter’s face if your margarita comes out frozen instead of on the rocks,"
Of course it doesn't. But when I was asked to paid for the margarita *beforehand* and the restaurant tells me it can't serve it due to high demand, asks me to come back another night AND refuses to cancel my order and give my money back, I'm "entitled" to do worse: call the cops. THAT's what you don't understand, mr. McGee.
@enzyme36 Same for the Vita version and Move compatibility, none of which we have any news about one week before release of the main version.
That's Ken Levine for you. He did a good game that's overpraised for its shallow political overtones by uneducated liberal critics ("uneducated liberal" is a redundancy, I know, but I had to stress the point), and that game's plot is very indicative of his mental faculties.
@SandRunneR I'd wager these even aren't good numbers on their own. You can't compare the new game's sales directly with the older ones released 10+ years ago. The market is way bigger, the spending is way higher, and for this particular game the marketing campaign was huge. I'm sure EA expected something from 2-3 millions or more right at launch and 4-5 million until the end of the year, and they're stuck at 1 million right now with a lot of bad blood and bad word of mouth souring future sales.
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