@Suikogaiden With Ubisoft backing out of always-online DRM and both them and EA trying to hide other forms of DRM behind an application just as Valve does with Steam, I'd say things were improving in that field... Until Blizzard came up with this crap, which just encouraged EA to backtrack and include this damn thing in SimCity, of all games.
But people get what they pay for. They bought Diablo III in the millions and will do the same with SimCity. They can't complain then.
@DevilArK1993 I said that when the game was originally released and never bought it.
Complaining now that they're fixing the game for another platform is nonsense unless you purchased Diablo III unaware of its always-online DRM requirement.
@thequickshooter Did you buy it knowing it had that always-online requirement beforehand?
If you knew, sorry, you can't complain - you bought it fully aware of its "features" and decided to pay all the same. I did not buy it for that very reason - don't want to support this kind of practice - and my head didn't explode for not playing a new Diablo.
Not trying to play sanctimonious here or anything, just saying there's a lesson to be learned. Hope you understand.
When all these "concerned parent citizens" will ever understand that it's not that violent video games turn children violent, but that violent people of any age will OBVIOUSLY prefer to consume media with violence in it? Or would you expect the Columbine shooters to be Barney fans? :P
@zfakta I've been saying something like this for quite a while now. Sure, we'll see some obvious graphic improvements such as better particles, fire/water effects, shading and so on. But it won't be anything you can't see right now if you play, say, Crysis 3 on Very High (even on High it does compare to some stuff shown on Sony's presentation).
The big leap will be, hopefully, in stuff like frame rate, texture loading, animations, AI and the number of concurrent things you can have on screen at once. I don't need, say, GTA V or VI to look that much better than the best games this generation. But if it runs at 60 FPS, animations are even better, the city has more people roaming around, they react in unprecedented ways (for games) thanks to better AI and so on... That justifies a new generation for sure.
When I saw the link to this video on Gamespot's tweet, I thought "well, there's Aliens: Infestation at least". And boom, here it is. Funny thing that the best Aliens game in a long time is a Metroid-like platformer for the DS.
Funnier still, it was also a game that Gearbox sourced to another studio, WayForward Technologies. This leads credence to the whole claim that TimeGate was the real problem for Colonial Marines - though I wouldn't let Gearbox off the hook, since they were still responsible for the final game and shouldn't bite more than can chew.
@jeffrobin Nobody said that Sony had to be praised. I said that THIS negative article was clearly a byproduct of trying to call attention when the writer actually had nothing to say - which, by the way, is a common and recurrent "feature" of the *UK* staff. That was my main point. And before anyone jumps in, this is NOT a stab at the country in general. I still read Eurogamer and EDGE, which I find to be the finest publication in the gaming industry. The issue is more how journalism is handled in there sometimes. For some reason, it attracts a LOT of untalented people who can't argument for their dear life, and therefore resort to empty cynicism and sarcasm in excess. Just read their music magazines.
That said, showing both sides is not a free pass to write anything that comes to your head or to be nitpicky. Look below for my response to other comment about the conference, a criticism on the lack of interesting software. You'll notice that I do not dispute that we had too little new stuff in there, and counter-argument that this is to be expected in this day and age - because the truth is that new IPs are too risky in the AAA space, and probably even moreso in the next consoles as development costs ramp up. This is the kind of stuff the writer could've picked up on, but didn't - probably because he was too worried about how to write complaints in the most sarcastic, obnoxious way possible.
RealFabioSooner's comments