A while back, I had considered getting Call of Duty: Black Ops, but ended up deciding against it because I thought there was too much language/gore for my taste. For personal moral/religious reasons, I don't want to sit through lines of dialogue in the campaign that would be something to the effect of "Let me the **** out of this ****ing chair you *******!". It wasn't until later that I learned that BO contained an optional "graphic content censor" for the campaign, which removed excess language (all the F's and S's and worse stuff) as well as the excess gore, in a few particular stabbing scenes. I also found out that the game had split-screen online, split-screen offline, and split-screen zombies. AND there was bots. So because it had been a decent while since I was able to play a good, modern FPS with friends/family offline, I decided to give the game a shot. I had enjoyed both Modern Warfare games, so I assumed that I would fit right in to BO.
I started by playing offline multiplayer and the campaign. Personally I found the story to be more complex, but less exciting than what was found in the MW series. Hopefully MW3 can bring back that magic, by the way. Offline multiplayer with the bots was a blast though, and I was addicted to it for quite a while (and I still am, to a degree). Eventually I also tried zombies, which was fun and a nice diversion from the rest of the game. Then finally, I jumped into the online multiplayer, and was as nervous as I ever am when I know that I'm jumping into heated matches in a new game against all the insanely good CoD players out there. As it turns out, I handled myself pretty well. Even with beginner level guns and equipment I was able to finish near the top of my team in standard TDM, and when I got the good stuff, I was leading matches regularly.
I did, however, encounter something that I had predicted. The CoD community players, as a whole, are a bunch of nincompoops. I knew this back when I purchased MW2, and right from the beginning I made the decision to simply set the mic audio transmission volume to zero, so that I wouldn't have to listen to everything that spewed out of the mouths of enemies and teammates. I enjoyed it, and I never found myself wishing that I could hear what they were saying, aside from maybe just a few times when I got a really nice final killcam. On the other hand, when I first played BO, for some reason I decided that I wanted to leave the mic stuff on this time. I wanted to be able to communicate or coordinate with teammates and friends, and I figured that I would simply ignore the other foolish garbage that players discussed, or simply mute them. But as it turns out, there's a psychological problem with doing that. You see, once you've played on a good team where players were communicating and helping each other out, and you easily smash the enemy team into brick dust, you find yourself wanting to do it again. And no matter how dumb the conversations might bethat people have while playing, there's always a little hope in your head that something will trigger them into wanting to play as a team in Team Deathmatch or Capture the Flag, so you never really have the nerve to mute them.
Therein lies the problem, however. Perhaps about one hour ago, I just got out of a match with 11 other mic'd up people. I was the only one without a mic (or rather, the only one who chose not to use it). As soon as I joined the lobby, I immediately heard a barrage of banter going back and forth between several people at once. As I finally began to understand some of the dialogue, I realized that it was a team of players who were attempting to insult a guy on my team for being black. This sort of stuff makes me eye-roll, because I honestly know that nobody in the lobby was offended by the discussion...it was just a pathetic attempt by several people with nothing better to do than make up insults about whatever they could. I decided, as usual, not to mute them all before the game began. I suppose part of me was hoping that the discussion would turn into something related to the match after it started. It didn't. Then, I hoped that perhaps if we won the game, I could at least have a good laugh at the other guys who would inevitably rage about it. Well we didwin,but they didn't rage. Kept right on talking trash. And by this point, the banter had moved from not only being racist, but also containing explicit profanity and extremely explicit sexual discussions/terms. Even though I'm very glad that Treyarch had the sense to make it an option, that "graphic content"censor for the campaign seems a little silly at times like this.
By now, my respect for anybody else in thegame was at 0%, andI'm about ready to quit the lobby and just find another match. But at the same time...I kicked butt in the match we had just finished. I lead our team, and basically won the whole stinkin' game for them. So as I was busy deciding whether or not it was worth staying with these thugs just because I knew that I could wipe the battlefield with them, one of them breaks away from the racist/explicit topics in order to make the comment "RedHawk was the only reason you guys won that match, he's a little camping ****er with Ghost, the ****er". Upon hearing this, it's possible that my ears actually pricked up like a dog's. Me? A camping ****er? Just because I had Ghost Pro? That ticked me off, because I had been running around the map (Jungle) for the majority of the game, using my silenced Famas to quietly remove them from their camping spots, in their little huts. So now, it was on. I stayed for another match on the Crisis map, one of my least-favorite maps. I did slightly worse this time, but only because the other team was...take your guess now...camping on the top of a hill, and camping in the large building, up the stairs. Our team eventually lost the match by a decent margin, maybe 15 kills or so,but again I lead our team.
Back in the lobby after the match (which was still filled with even worse explicit sexual discussions), the other team didn't talk much about the game. The one guy who had been the target of the previous racism had left I believe, and so they just continued with the other conversations. Yet again I consider either leaving or staying, and as I'm doing it, I can once again hear the other team making comments such as "I hate that Red**** guy, little camping ****er with Ghost". I'll let you figure outthe obscene term with whichthey replaced "Hawk". -_- After this, their team began chanting the word repeatedly in the lobby, while waiting for the next match. Once they finally got bored of it, I reported a few of them for offensive language and one of them for his (sexually) offensive emblem, and then quit. Being that I was now a little annoyed and seriously losing hope in my own generation of society, I took out my frustration by playing a match of Gun Game at Nuketown and getting 32 stabs. Nobody raged at me though (none had mics). During that game, I was mildly hoping that one of the guys from the old lobby would send me a hatemail message or something, so that I could finally respond by saying "uMADbro?".
The point of this extended story is thus...why is it that in every online community on video games, there are always people who feel the need to act like complete jerks? Why? Has our society lost all concept of friendly competition, or moral decency, or self-control? I mean for goodness' sake, why would I want to listen to a guy and a girl in a clan discuss their personal sexual preferences openly and make sexual suggestions throughout a simple game of TDM? Note that it's happened to me before as well, the same sort of thing, several times. For as many times as I have had a decent, fun conversation with another guy or two while playing an online game of CoD, I have endured hundreds of matches of the other crap. I don't mind it too much when I have to listen to people spew off simple verbal profanity, and at times, based on the situation, it can actually be humurous to listen to them rage with it (still don't like it, but it's humurous). But when you get into serious racism or sexual discussions or death threats or extreme bashing/insulting for no reason, that's crossing the line. It's been so long since I have heard people using their mics in an online FPS game to actually help the team that I'm beginning to wonder if anybody even does it anymore. The last time it occured was probably BO zombies, when there was a guy who was giving out some orders and actually trying to make a plan. He was still quite rude about it, because I had never played the map before, but at least he was helpful.
I have encountered people being complete jerks on their mics more in CoD games than in any other online game I have ever played, period. More than Battlefield 1943, more than Uncharted 2, more than Bad Company 2...more than anything. Why do all of the crazy people flock to Call of Duty? Why is it that Battlefield games always have glitches, and CoD games always have thugs with mics? When Modern Warfare 3 is released, I guess I have a pretty big decision to make. To mute or not to mute, from the very beginning? I could simply wipe out the mic volume like I did with MW2. Or I could leave it on, so that I could possibly hear discussions that relate to (*GASP*) the match, or get a good laugh from making people rage, such as knifing in Gun Game can do (been called the word similar to "maggot" several times just for knifing, lol).
If you play or have played Call of Duty games, let me know if you've ever encountered these kind of people with mics. If you have, you know what I'm talking about. If you haven't...well, you either mute them or you're probably less than rank ten with no prestiges.
Thanks for reading, please comment, and God bless. Also...never take online games as seriously as these guysdo. ;)
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