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Games Collection Rundown - Pt. 8

Crash Nitro Kart (PS2)

Rating: 6.3

Familiarity: 5.6

This game was supposed to be a sequel of sortsto the awesome kart racing game called "Crash Team Racing" on the PS1. Unfortunately, the gameplay was pretty messed up even though it tried to keep the same overall formula of CTR. Karts in CNK move far too slowly and feel very sluggish, the tracks are bland and uninteresting save for a select few, and a few of the characters in the game have been "butchered" and changed from who they used to be (Nitrous Oxide being an example). In short, this isn't a terrible game, but it's definitely not one that I would highly recommend.


Crash Team Racing (PS1)

Rating: 10.0

Familiarity: 9.8

Ah yes, this is it...the original, the best, the one-and-only CTR. This is one of the best games I have ever played, and also a game that sucked away a good piece of my childhood. In fact, I'm still active in the CTR forums here at Gamespot with my good friends, MudkipMaster30 and TyrantWave. This game really had an infinite replay value, found in the pick-up-and-play racing modes, the battle modes, and the superb story. If you are looking for a kart racer with depth, a fun story, cool characters, multiple modes, crazy weapons, memorable tracks, and local multiplayer...look no further, my friend. Pick up this game if you have never played it before.


Crazy Taxi (PS2)

Rating: 7.7

Familiarity: 7.1

The arcade original made its way to the PS2, with two different ways to play and some cool mini-games. The basic idea is that you are a cab driver, and you have to earn as much cash as you can before the timer runs outby picking up people and taking them to their destination as quickly as possible. Simple enough, and of course, thereare no rules of the road to abide by and no cops around at all. This really is a crazy game, and I recommend that anybody who has never played any of the Crazy Taxi games should give this a try. But be warned, the PS2 version of this game is one of those darned blue-bottomed CDs, which means that some PS2 systems won't be able to play it. Luckily, if you have a PS3, you can download Crazy Taxi in the PSN Store.


CyberTiger (PS1)

Rating: 6.5

Familiarity: 5.1

Yeah, yeah, get your jokes out now. This is the Tiger Woods golfing game that was before the time of the Tiger Woods series ofgolfing games, if that makes any sense. You get the chance to play as Tiger when he was a kid, Tiger when he was a teen, or Tigeras an adult (and I still use that term loosely, lol). And of course there are a few other players to play as, thank goodness, and only a few courses to choose from. They're interesting enough, and the game itself isn't that bad in all honesty. If you want a decent PS1 golf game then I can vouch for this one, even though it doesn't have too much staying power over me. Another good thing is that the game even has a few mini-games...but we'll let them figure out what those are for themselves, right Tiger? ;)


Thanks for reading.

Games Collection Rundown - Pt. 7

Cabela's Monster Bass (PS2)

Rating: 6.0

Familairity: 5.0

This is a fishing game. I can't really say much more than that while still holding your attention, but I'll try. You get to fish on several different lakes, which you have to unlock by progressing through levels in something that is supposed to be a career mode. You fish from a boat, which you can drive around the lake as you wish, and then make your cast wherever you can see fish pop up on your FishFinder device(handy, eh?). After your bait is in he water, the camera switches to an underwater view and you can pull and move the hook if you want, until a fish eventually takes it, which normally is about ten seconds after the hook is in the water. Then you have a "fight for the fish" game that starts, where you have to use the analog stick to balance the tension on your line as well as entering button sequences to earn combos which help you reel in the catch faster. Overall, this is a decent fishing game if that's what you want...but the lack of an aquarium feature where you can keep and study your best catches is just a kick in the bass. Boo you, Cabela's.


Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (PS3)

Rating: 7.6

Familiarity: 6.8

If you haven't heard of this game, you're either not into games at all, or FPS games are not even in your radar. This is one of the most popular shooters ever made, and when I saw the GOTY edition for $20 at Gamestop, I couldn't resist. After playing through the campaign and having an absolute blast (favorite mission of mine being "All Ghillied Up"), I jumped into multiplayer for a short while, which was kind of disappointing after having already experienced MW2. Still, it's fun if you want a taste of a CoD game without all of the hectic killstreaks and insanely good players in MW2. Many still find this game to be better than its sequel, actually...I'm not one of them, but I can understand their point.


Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (PS3)

Rating: 8.4

Familiarity: 7.5

If you haven't heard of this game, you're probably not a gamer at all. This is one of the biggest video game and entertainment releases of all time, and for a good reason. This sequel to CoD4 is all of the fun of the original MW, plus an (arguably) improved multiplayer, and campaign with even more thrills. The ending left me out of breath, and though that may have been due to a bit of button-mashing, it was still some of the most fun I've had playing a game in a long time. Sadly, online multiplayer is currently filled with hackers and cheaters from what I hear, so I haven't bothered to get on it lately. Even sadder is the fact that these hackers will not be stopped. Still, even if you'd only be buying it for the campaign, I say that the game is worth looking into. Or at least a rent.


Columns (Sega Genesis)

Rating: 7.2

Familiarity: 6.8

If you've played Tetris, then you'd probably be able to get the hang of this game. It's a good excercise for the brain and it still manages to be very fun. There were a couple different game modes in the Gensis version, but they still have the same concept. Match up the colored blocks to make them disappear and prevent the pile from reaching the top of the screen. Simple, frustrating, and fun. ;)


Thanks for reading.

Games Collection Rundown - Pt. 6

Before I make this entry...which will be mostly Burnout, lol...I wanted to say a little about the Super Bowl (don't worry, I won't spoil anything if you haven't watched it). But, did anybody catch the halftime show by the Black Eyed Peas? I'm sorry, but, that was completely terrible. Pretty lights and dancing can't save the awful singing. It really made me wonder why in the world the Peas were invited to do the show at the Super Bowl when they had already displayed how bad they were during their pre-season performances. During the show, I kept wishing that it was Daft Punk out there instead of the Peas. I mean, come on...

Burnout 2: Point of Impact (PS2)

Rating: 7.0

Familiarity: 6.2

I bought this game mostly because I wanted to try both the crash mode, and the pursuit mode. Both of which are good, but admittedly the rest of the game is a little disappointing if you're already used to playing the further Burnout games in the series. The biggest problem is that the tracks are too simple, and you can't use boost unless your boost bar is full.


Burnout 3: Takedown (PS2)

Rating: 7.9

Familiarity: 6.7

I think this is the best Burnout game that I've ever played, and I've played them all within the range if B2 to Burnout: Dominator. Never played Paradise though. Anyway, I enjoyed the tracks in this game, the crash mode is fun, the takedowns are of course awesome, and the sense of speed is very heart-pumping. If you want to jump into the Burnout series, this is probably the best game to grab.


Burnout Revenge (PS2)

Rating: 7.7

Familiarity: 6.4

This is a very fun arcade racer just like all the other Burnouts, and it was the second Burnout game that I ever tried. The crash mode is the best out of the games in the series, in my opinion, and the tracks feature some great shortcuts. Biggest issue I have with the game is actually not an issue with the game,'s that my disc seems to freeze when the game is loading, and a few times it froze right when I was trying to load from the memory card, which freaked me out quite a bit (didn't lose my data though because it eventually unfroze after I tapped the system gently). I don't know if it's an issue with the disc, the system, or the game itself. Regardless, it makes me reluctant to play the game as much as I used to.


Cabela's Big Game Hunter (PS2)

Rating: 4.5

Familiarity: 3.8

This is just a funny game to play. Unfortunately, it's not funny enough to make it entertaining for more than ten minutes. Clunky controls, a terrible "health/energy" system, boring modes, and horrible map design come together to make an uninteresting blend of monotonous gameplay. Stay away from this game, even if you're a big hunting fan. Buy Atari's "Deer Hunter" instead. I will say this though...a had some really good laughs at this game's energy system, because if you go too long without food or water, your hunter will wear down and have to be "rescued by the warden", which basically means that the game is over. So really, you have a timer. Want to know what's hilarious though? If you load your pack with food and water, it makes your pack heavier, which will wear out your energy bar faster and make you only run for short distances. So, water and food replenish your energy bar, but at the same time, they deplete it faster. What the heck?! Lol.


Thanks for reading.

Games Collection Rundown - Pt. 5

Battlefield 1943 (PS3 - Downloadable Only)

Rating: 9.4

Familiarity: 9.7

The best shooter I've ever played on the PS3, and one of the best shooters I've ever played period, BF43 is a ton of fun in nearly every way. Wide open maps, online competition, evenly balanced guns and loadouts, vehicles, and team-based strategy all come into play. Not to mention that it's all gorgeous to look at, even on my SDTV. I've sunk plenty of time into this game, and I plan to sink many more hours into it as well. If you've never played it, do yourself a favor and download the free trial. The only real complaints I have about this game are the admittedly frequent connection issues, and the noobtubers online. But overall, they can't change the fact that this title is great.


Battlefield: Bad Company 2 (PS3)

Rating: 8.9

Familiarity: 8.8

This is a game that is pretty great and a ton of fun to play online, especially with friends. The multiplayer is similar to BF43 in that it incorporates team-based play (centering mostly around small squads) vehicles, and good old FPS action. However, the game is pulled back quite a bit by a few glaring issues, most of them being technical. Disconnects happen frequently, players can and often have randomly lost all their stats and upgrades for short periods of time, lag is often present, and some maps allow for easy camping. Aside from these troubles, the game features waaay to much swearing for its own good. Still, it's a game that is worth playing if you enjoy online shooters. Having never played the solo campaign, co-op modes, or Vietnam expansion, I can't speak about those. All I know is that next to BF43, this game has probably taken up the majority of my online time in terms of PS3 games.


Billiards (PS1)

Rating: 7.2

Familiarity: 6.7

Yeah, lol, it's a billiards game. I remember this...when I was very little, my parents told me that I could either get a stuffed plushie dog or this game. Thankfully, I chose the game. It's actually very fun if you can get into it. The controls are simple and the AI is challenging, though often annoying (like when you have to wait 20 seconds for them to hit a shot because they're "thinking"). There's also a lot of depth to the game, including a trick shot mode where have to attempt some absolutely insane shots, and of course local multiplayer is fun.


Bravo Air Race (PS1)

Rating: 7.0

Familiarity: 7.0

This was a game that I recall having to hunt for. When I was young I had played this game from a renatl, and all I remembered from it was a section of track where you could fly through a water fountain. Armed with that info (lol), I searched around on the internet until I came across Bravo Air Race, and it was then that I remembered it to be the game I was looking for. I bought it, and played it again. The section of track that I thought I had clearly remembered was actually different from how my mind had pictured it, but still similar, and very fun and nostalgic to play through again. The fountain can be seen in this vid, at 4:45:


Thanks for reading. ;)

Games Collection Rundown - Pt. 4

Backyard Baseball (PC)

Rating: 9.4

Familiarity: 9.3

Just pure awesomeness. This game sucked away a lot of time in my childhood, and I always enjoyed it. Cool characters, great gameplay, simple and fun strategy, humorous and memorable commentators,'s all there. It may be a kids' game, but if you have never played it, you my friend have missed out. One of my all-time favorites.


Backyard Baseball (PS2)

Rating: 7.1

Familiarity: 6.3

Yeah, eh...not as good as I had hoped for. Having loved the PC version, I wanted to try to make the move to a console when I had gotten a little older. I still liked the game for its simplicity, and its charm had stayed mostly intact, but it just could never match the fun of the original. The fact that one of the old commentators was not present hurt this game a bit too.


Batman: Arkham Asylum (PS3)

Rating: 9.5

Familiarity: 9.3

Heck yeah. B:AA is not only an amazing game for fans of the Caped Crusader, its an amazing action/stealth game. A great story by Paul Dini, who wrote many epidsodes of the animated series, mixes with excellent voice work by Kevin Conroy and Mark Hamill, which all belnds together with amazing gameplay. Combat is pretty much what beat-em-up fans would enjoy, and challange modes add depth and replayability. My only real problem with the game is that challenge modes are pretty much set-pieces, so, some sort of multiplayer mode would have been great, and the ability to have respawning enemies in the career mode after you have beaten the story would also be great. But guess what? Arkham City is on the way. ;)


Battle Stations (PS1)

Rating: 6.2

Familiarity: 4.5

Mediocre. That's essentially the best word to describe this game. Basically, it's two ships that duel with each other at such close range you'd expect to see a message popping up that says "FIGHT!". Aircraft carriers, battleships, cruisers, destroyers, subs, mine-droppers, and patrol boats are the ships that are available (cargo ships as well, but, they stink, lol). The career mode is halfway decent, battle mode is fun, and versus mode with another play can be entertaining for a while. Again, this is a game where an invincibility code often makes it more enjoyable to play.


Thanks for reading.

Games Collection Rundown - Pt. 3

I figure that it's a good idea to get these blogs made when I can, so here's the third entry:

Army Men: Air Attack (PS1)

Rating: 7.8

Familiarity: 6.7

I think this was the first Army Men game I ever played. Basically it's all about helicopter piloting, shooting, and winching in 10 missions if I remember correctly. You could choose different co-pilots who all had special skills (I only remember Rawhide, Headstrong, Sarge, and Felicity; can't remember the other guy), as well as unlocking different choppers as you progressed. There was also multiplayer, and like all Army Men games, it was simple yet fun.


Army Men: World War - Land, Sea, and Air (PS1)

Rating: 7.0

Familiarity: 4.0

I never really played much of this one. I mostly remember enjoying the multiplayer with my brother, and ignoring the campaign after I got stuck on the mission where you have to be a gunner underneath a plane and you are being swarmed by enemy tan from all different directions, lol. It's a fun game though, and Gamespot showed it the most kindness out of all the Army Men games if I'm not mistaken.


Assassin's Creed (PS3)

Rating: 7.3

Familiarity: 8.0

Change of pace here, eh? AC1 attracted me because of the fact that it didn't quite have the same level of "mature" content that is found in AC2, and because it was a simpler game. In fact, it's extremely linear. And while that does detract from the fun quite a bit, it's not enough to ruin the experience. Playing as an assassin who uses the technique of blending with crowds to be stealthy is fun, and though the AI is mediocre and often stupid (especially for a PS3 game), free running and getting into swordfights is enjoyable. Replay value is decent, but lack of other gameplay modes or multiplayer lessens the incentive to come back and play it after having it on the shelf for a while. Still, I liked the game enough to be interested in AC: Brotherhood, which is still on my list of games to buy.


Backbreaker (PS3)

Rating: 6.8

Familiarity: 6.7

Man, another big gaming disappointment. Backbreaker advertised itself as having revolutionary technology that would generate tackles, blocks and such "on the fly", with no pre-canned animations that are standard fare in Madden NFL games. Obviously this intrigued me and a lot of other players, and I bought the game as soon as it was released. Their statement about generating tackles on the fly, with no pre-canned animations, was true...only problem was, that same tech (Euphoria Engine) caused numerous other issues that makes the game mediocre in the end. Players have a tendency to fall down or keel over backwards when they're barely touched, and receivers drop passes that are right in their hands because a defender might grabhis foot ashe falls. Another issue is the camera, which was a big design decision that was emphasized and promoted by the developers. The camera is down low, right behind your player, at all times...even on defense. And yes, this causes problems. A simple option to have a standard camera view such as what is in traditional football games would have been greatly apprecaited, but the devs ignored the pleas of consumers. Such a missed opportunity. :(


Thanks for reading. ;)

Games Collection Rundown - Pt. 2

Here comes part two now. Before I begin, I just wanted to say that I saw the movie "Salt" the other night and it was pretty good. Angelina Jolie did a great job as usual, and though some of the plot twists were easy to predict, most of them weren't. Also, CoD: Black Ops players have shot a combined total of over 1.1 trillion shots. Yeah. And now, to the games...

All-Star Baseball 2004 (PS2)

Rating: 8.0

Familiarity: 7.0

My favorite baseball game that I've ever played...which honestly isn't saying too much...ASB04 was simple and fun, with a ton of content to boot. Animations were sometimes sloppy and random AI errors are often followed by ridiculously long "stumbles" by players, which typically leave the fielder motionless and looking like a dope as the ball bounces two feet to his side, and he can't pick it up. Oh well...I still had a lot of fun with it.


Area 51 (PS1)

Rating: 6.8

Familiarity: 5.5

I have really mixed feelings about this game. While I might find it enjoyable now, it admittedly used to freak me out when I was younger and I would watch my brother playing it (not as badly as "Extermination" did, though). It's basically an arcade light-gun shooter turned into a PS1 game. You play as a member of some special forces group (STAAR) that has to rid Area 51 of an alien outbreak, of course. Co-op is supported and there are a lot of hidden things in the game, like secret rooms and such. One neat thing I remember was that if you don't shoot any aliens in the first level, and instead shoot every STAAR teammate that you see, you get to continue the game as the Krone Hunter, who is basically some sort of rogue alien with special bullets.


Arena Football (PS2)

Rating: 4.8

Familiarity: 5.3

Ugh...this game was one of the biggest gaming disappointments I've ever experienced. Being a fan of the sport of arena football, I was very excited when EA picked up the license to produce the games for it. I figured it would be like the Madden NFL series, but just with AFL rules and teams and such. Not so. Terrible controls, repetitive and unrealistic animations, bland and generic stadiums for all teams, blatant "money plays"...just a mess. It's one of those games that you play for a while, decide that it's bad, shelf it, and then see it a couple months later and think to yourself "Hmm, I bet that would be fun to try again". And then you get disappointed over and over again. Stay away from this game, unless you're an absolute die-hard AFL fan. Even then, it's iffy.


Army Men 3D (PS1)

Rating: 7.3

Familiarity: 6.5

Good old Army Men, the war games of my childhood, lol. And this was probably the second one I owned. I think I may have actually kept it from the rental store, which means that my dad probably paid for it anyway, but whatever. You play as a green soldier who has to fight alongside the green army to defeat the evil tan who are intent on taking over everything, as always. The campaign was fun and pretty varied, and the multiplayer modes were simplistic but addictive if you have a buddy and just want some casual laughs and fun. And by the way, this is one of those games where an invincibility code really makes it more enjoyable.


That does it for part two. My brother's girlfriend from Australia is coming to stay with our family, so depending on whether or not my activity level on Gamespot drops, I'll keep this list chugging along. Thanks for reading, God bless, and please comment. :)

Games Collection Rundown - Pt. 1

Hello all. I want to proudly introduce you to my new blog series, in which I will be going through and listing every single game in my collection. I'll rate them, give a brief description of each, provide a pic or two of each, and tell how familiar I am with each particular title. I hope you will all find this interesting, and I think it will be a fun ride down memory lane for me in regards to some of the games. The list will be in alphabetical order, and since there are about 148 games in my collection, this will be a very long blog series. Here we go then:

007: Tomorrow Never Dies (PS1)

Rating: 7.5

Familiarity: 9.0

TND is an example of a game that is poor and cheesy enough to actually become very fun. If I were to make a Bond-parody game, it would probably come out quite like this game. Simple AI, clunky controls/movement, ridiculous and hilarious sound effects and dialogue, and fun missions is what you'll find. If you can get this game somewhere, I recommend it highly simply because you'll get a laugh out of it in nearly every level.


3Xtreme (PS1)

Rating: 6.5

Familiarity: 7.5

Man, I remember this one. I even remember the codes I used to use to unlock all characters and equipment..."Genepool" and "Voyeur". Basically, it's a game where you have to race on either roller skates, a skateboard, or a bike with one of many crazy characters on several crazy tracks. Most people trashed the game, but I really enjoyed it. I remember that there was a feature in the game where you could take a swing to your left or right and try to hit your opponents, which was very funny to do if you were playing as one of the RC cars that were in the game. I also remember (and will most likely never forget), the sound that always happens when you run into a metal pole. (start watching at's still awesome :P )


Ace Combat 3: Electrosphere (PS1)

Rating: 7.3

Familiarity: 7.0

Old "Ace 3", and the only Ace Combat game I've ever owned or played. I don't think I ever played through the whole thing, or if I did, I don't remember doing it. I just remember watching my brother do it, and thinking that the last level was far-fetched. It's a relatively simple game with simple controls though, and it's fun. One major drawback is that the Japanese version of the game is loads more intricate, with multiple plots, characters, and storylines. When comparing the two, the American version seems very crummy.


Aero Elite: Combat Academy (PS2)

Rating: 6.5

Familiarity: 5.0

I was hoping for a good flight sim on a console gaming system when I bought this game. It has helicopters, jets, and apparently an unlockable UFO, though I never earned it. The "career" mode is basically you training a lot, and doing the occasional mission or "scramble". Free flying mode fares better, allowing you to customize your plane loadout, enemies, and environment. You can also just choose to cruise around the areas with no enemies, which is nice. The vehicles all control well, and my biggest gripe with the game is actually a glitch. In the options, you are supposed to be able to turn off stalling. I did so, and yet I still stall every time I try to fly, lol.


That does it for part one. Still a heck of a long way to go, though. Thanks for reading, God bless, and please comment. ;)

Just some quick Movie Reviews

I decided to make a quick blog about some of the movies I've seen lately. Normally I'm not as big a fan of movies as most people, but I enjoyed all of these for one reason or another. I'll rate them as I would for Netflix...1 star means I hated it, 2 stars means I didn't like it, 3 stars means I liked it, 4 stars means I really liked it, 5 stars means I loved it. So here we go then:

Transformers - 3 Stars

A decent enough film in my opinion. I know it received a lot of hate, and perhaps the reason I was more able to enjoy it was because I was never a very strong Transformers fan. The story is about Sam Whitwhicky (no clue how to spell that), and how he discovers that the Transformers are here on earth and then the military gets involved and...agh, I'll spare the details. The action was servicable and the acting was well done by all the cast members. Oh, and Megan Fox is there. She's rather pointless, but she's there.


Shooter (edited for TV version)- 3 Stars

I saw this a while back. It's about a former sniper who's hired by the government once more to attempt to predict and prevent an assassination attempt on the president. He gets framed, and now he's on the run from the feds, the police, and pretty much everyone else. It's a good story and though the action has a James Bond-like feel to it (this one guy is dodging hundreds of bullets and killing anyone who gets in his way with just a few shots), it's engaging.


Tron: Legacy - 4 Stars

I had never heard of Tron before this movie, unless it was just something that I had glossed over and never paid any attention to. But this movie was extremely fun, fast-paced, and different. Not to mention it had the best musical score I have heard in a loooong time, and it was visually stunning. Sam Flynn gets sucked into the digital world that his father created when Sam was just a boy, and now he and his dad must race to make it to the "portal" in time to return into the real world. Along the way they must fight against Clu, a creation of Sam's father who has gone rogue, and they must also save Quorra, a mysterious figure called an Iso.


Eagle Eye (edited for TV version) - 3 Stars

A pretty original concept for a movie, though still having all the predictable action scenes you could expect, Eagle Eye is an entertaining film about two ordinary people who are roped into performing taks (often illegal)for a mysterious woman who keeps contacting them wherever they go, and very quickly they find themselves running from the feds and the law and attempting to figure out the secret of their tormentor. As usual, Shia Lebouf does a great job at his role in this one.


Kung Fu Panda - 5 Stars

I had to save the best for last. I in no way expected this film to be as awesome as it is. The clumsy and likable Panda, Po, accidentily earns himself the title of Dragon Warrior, and must defend his village from Tai Lung, an impending attacker who seeks the title and mystical Dragon Scroll for himself. Action, laughs, an excellent story, excellent characters, brilliant voice-work, and a great climax make this movie a must-see in my opinion. Just remember..."there is no charge for awesomeness."


That does it. I hope you enjoyed the rundown. God bless and please comment. :)

"Hot Seat" Answers

Hello again. It's about time for the answers to the previous blog, so here goes. The questions, along with who asked them, will be bolded and the answer to each question is just below it. And so...

raimgamer asked:

Q1 - What's your favorite band/singer?

Tough question to answer because I'm generally not a fan of music, unless it is purely instrumental. But to be honest, I started listening a little more to Daft Punk after hearing their excellent work in Tron: Legacy, so I'll go with them for the favorite band, lol. Favorite singer would'll say Rebecca St. James.

Q2 - What is your criteria on rehashing projects in a science fair?

Having never attended public school or private school (homeschooled instead), I never had to deal with this. But if I understand it correctly, and I think that I do, I don't have an issue with using the same project several times. As long as you don't do it in a dishonest way.


personeyperson asked:

Q1 - Most underrated movie?

Maybe the old movie "Clue", that was based off of the board game. It's one of my favorites of all-time but never received a whole lot of recognition.

Q2 - Favorite secondary color?

Lol, you made me have to look up the technical definition of that to make sure that I could answer correctly! Anyway, I go with lime green I suppose.


dylan417 asked:

Q1 - Worst game you have ever played?

I've never played an truly awful games, but I'll say Cabela's Dangerous Hunts for the PS2. Clunky controls, poor setup, poor AI, bland maps, feelings of calustrophobia whilst trying to move just wasn't good. I wrote a review on it.

Q2 - Favorite Gaming Memory?

Wow, so many. Probably when I was a lot younger and my dad, brother and I would sit and play Crash Team Racing, V-Rally 2, or 007 Nightfire. Good times.


cornerback3 asked:

Q1 - What is your middle name?

Allan. Same as my father's middle name.

Q2 - What TV show do you watch that you don't like most people to know?

Now why do you gotta be like that, man? :P Fine, I'll tell. Wizards of Waverly Place. It's fun to watch when you just want some kid-humor and none of the other garbage that's out there.

Bonus - What is the best thread you've ever commented in on GS?

It's a tie between any of the threads back in the now-vacant Hot Pursuit 2 boards, the older threads in the Crash Team Racing boards, and any of the threads in the 007 Nightfire forum. ;)


Magic_Panda92 asked:

Q1 - Have you ever punched an animal? Any type, just an animal.

LOL, uh...maybe when I was really young I may have taken a swing at a dog if he tried to leap up on to me, but I can't remember any specific moments.


lion222550 asked:

Q1 - Favorite comedian?

Don't really listen to comedians much because a lot of them are obscene, but, I did like watching Kevin James. That one time that I saw him perform on TV. :P

Q2 - Thing on the internet that annoys you the most?

The easy and open access to pornography, and hackers/spammers who only do what they do for kicks. Both are sickening.

Bonus - Favorite game?

I actually made a two-part blog that dealt with my favorite games of all-time. I believe that I ended up choosing Streets of Rage, mostly because of how nostalgic I am about it, and because it can still be an addictive game even today.


supclayton asked:

Q1 - Who would win in this 1 vs 2 fight: Batman or Superman with Spiderman? And why?

I think it depends on how prepared Batman is for the fight. If he's prepared, he can pretty much beat anybody who gets in his way, because he's the freakin' Batman, lol. But if it's just like Superman and Spiderman suddenly decide to gang up on his during one of his nightly patrols, I trust the Man of Steel might be able to win. Spidey, eh...he'll probably get his butt kicked either way.

Q2 - If you could have any superpower out there, what would it be, and why?

Hmm...I think the ability to control the wind would be great. Because when you think about it, that comes with the ability to fly (because you can just make a whirlwind to carry you wherever you want to go), the ability to move people and objects by blowing them around, and the ability to protect yourself from any kind of harm by creating a vortex of wind to surround you.'ve thought about this too much already. :P


MudkipMaster30 asked:

Q1 - I know you are a follower of football, but I've never heard you talk much about baseball, while your username and icon are that of a baseball team. So, are you still following baseball, and if so, which series?

You know, maybe I should get a new icon, lol. To tell the truth, the only reason I chose the Redhawks icon is because it matched my username. I didn't really know or care what team it belonged to. Recently though a lot of people have been linking my username and the icon together and assuming that I'm affiliated in some way with the team, lol. So to answer the, I'm not really that into baseball. I used to be for a while, and my favorite team is still the White Sox, but if you were to ask me even a simple question such as their current lineup, I couldn't tell you.

Q2 - Which consoles or portables would you have an interest in acquiring in thew future?

I think the PSP2 was just announced, which is promising. I've also been considering a Wii to put in my room, because my slim PS2 isn't really working properly, and Red Steel 2 seems amazing in all honesty, lol. And I also considered getting another PS3 for my room, but, those are still so dang expensive.


And that's a wrap! Thank you all for commenting and questioning, I appreciate it a lot. This was fun. Take care and God bless. :)