talking about HAZE. and FPS's
I like some FPS games.like CoD4 was great. and others like RB6.Vegas was good.
I see that some people and gamespot dont really like HAZE that much at all.
I was thinking of trying the game.like a rental.
the demo was not that good. the shooting was smooth and fun. it was very eazy. that fine to me.
CoD4 was just right. eazy and not to hard.
I have been looking for a fun game to just turn on and start playing.
like a shooter with offline bots, this can not be found much anymore. back in the N64 days it was good.
Any people that have played HAZE does it have Offline Bots to play with.????
I play CoD4 online. its fun. CoD4 would be like the best game if the offline splitscreen mode has AI bots to fight.
I can go on offline mode with COD4 and just walk around with no one to shoot, I hear gun fire. just hoping that a AI bots kills me. lol. wow... I could play that game all day then..lol. no missions to worry about. no online rank to worry about, just me and the game.
this was the best thing about Killzone 1., I know some people dont like that game and gamespot did not like it. but man. back then for the ps2 that game was good. and a new story and the offline spiltscreen with bots. and -One player with bots. I would play that like 5 bots vs one me" it was just fun to play the game. I dont like the online on that game becuase of the glitches.Killzone was not great. but it looked nice and was fun to play thats all that counts. I cant wait for Killzone 2.
resistance was great also. if it had offline bots would be really great. me and my friends like the splitscreen mode 1v1 all the time. just think if there was AI bots runing around after us. would be cool.
ok. is HAZE like this. becuase I google it and. people said it had a offline bot mode.
I ask the PS3 gamers on gamespot now. and if you know of other games like this please tell.
thank you for your time
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