This is why you when considering backing a project you should consider the following:1. Does the team behind the project have previous work or the people involved have good prior experience?2. Have they done a successful crowdfunding campaign before and made good on their promises if they did?3. Does the amount they are asking for sound like enough to make good on their goal?4. Do they have a breakdown of where the money is going?
@Gue1 @AK_the_Twilight Look at the software sales, it bombed there, same thing on the average Wii user software sale numbers.
@chev93489 @thereisknowhope I think he means how what Nintendo has for online on the Wii U should've been there on the original Wii and they acted too slow.
@Warlord_Irochi Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate Core Fighters is doing it right, Tekken Revolution and the FTP Soul Calibur are not.
Redblaze27's comments