@blueboxdoctor Even if that's the case, a professional reviewer should be able to set aside their personal tastes and be able commend the reviewed item's strengths, even if the said strength is a personal pet peeve of theirs.
Its like if you got stuck reviewing a movie that you didn't care for, you have to write the review with the people that are into that sort of film in mind. That's not to say they can't mention they aren't a fan of the product in the review, but you have to understand people of all kinds will be reading it.
@daviz88 Any game can be replayed to death really. The issue in question is should developers release a barebones product and tell you to just keep playing it over until you get your money's worth out of the product?
It should be the users choice if its worth more than a single playthrough, not the developers.
Redblaze27's comments