@draken2533 This is why Valve rocks. Even though there is not used Steam game market in place, if your observant enough you can pretty much get any game you want from Steam at a ridiculously good deal.
Instead of attacking the used game market, they should only be cutting into the rental market.
Think about if games normally launched at $30, but the game was available digital for rental a month or two before its release for $10, where you got access to the game from 48 hours to a full week. This would start shaping the industry to be closer to the movie industry and in concept should make gaming overall more accessible.
@ggregd @Redblaze27 My point is that the gaming industry needs to pursue those additional avenues for income. Also, i'm fairly certain a normal edition of a popular movie would never sell anywhere close as many copies at $60.
Whats going on is a half-baked solution to their problem that only results in killing their public relations.
@ggregd @Redblaze27 But look at movies: they aren't $60 and they aren't assaulting the used market. In fact, a number of movies have higher budgets than video games.
Microsoft....If the used game market is so bad for your business, you shouldn't attack it but get the real point behind it: Game Prices Are Too Dang High!!!!
Redblaze27's comments